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What happens after the Australian wildfire? “Dead silence”

Australia’s wildfires are out of control, 1 billion animals are killed, and the surviving animals have to face how to survive on a scorched land . This article comes from public micro-channel number: Nature Nature Research (ID: Nature-Research) , author: Dyani Lewis, title FIG. From: Figure Worm The worst forest fire in Australia has killed 27 people and destroyed about 2,000 houses, affecting more than 10 million hectares-more than the.. Read More

Blocked by the futures industry, Mandarin Finance went from hard to soft

This article comes from WeChat public account: China Business Daily (ID: chinabusinessjournal) , author: Chen Jialing, from the title figure: Figure worm The word is the word of the word of the word “Failure to meet regulatory requirements” and “close access permissions”, Wenhua Finance, which occupies the largest share of the domestic futures market, suffered a round of “collective blockade.” According to incomplete statistics, as of the publication of the.. Read More

The beauty makeup has entered an explosive period, can product brands and channel brands become one

Products want to channel, channels want to make products. So why is it difficult to achieve so far? Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “ Inspur New Consumption ” (ID: lcxinxiaofei), author: Liu Ziqi. The beauty industry is probably the sparkle of fire this winter. First, the beauty collection store HARMAY Huamei went offline to detonate Sanlitun, and then went to the perfect diary to win the.. Read More

Sony skipped this year’s E3 game show again, what about PS5?

Sony skipped this year’s E3 game show again, proving that last year’s “absence” was not a coincidence. On January 14, Sony Interactive Entertainment confirmed this in an official statement One news , although a Sony spokesperson also paid tribute to ESA organizer ESA, he later added that Sony does not believe that the vision of E3 2020 is in line with the focus of Sony this year: “We will participate.. Read More

The vibrato you made can’t ignite

How does Douyin’s recommendation strategy work? Is everything really metaphysics? Editor’s note: This article is from “ everyone is a product manager “, Author: Hi new. The original title “ Understand this article, vibrato is no longer a metaphysics ” Imagine standing in front of the city of the recommendation system and being pulled out of a digital body. You find a mirror to look at yourself, but you are.. Read More

2020 Workplace Trends: Don’t Want to Get Out

There are no limits in the workplace, and there are endless possibilities. 2019 is a year of finding a new path in the uncertainties. There are low tide in naked swimming, collapse of people, and there are dark flowers and thick hair. The celebrity fan circle has a word called “out of the circle”, which means that one thing broke through the small circle and became a big event that.. Read More

How should we look at the running score of mobile phones?

How should we look at the running scores of mobile phones? What kind of running scores can hang on to the performance experience? Editor’s note: This article comes from WeChat public account “ DoNews ” (ID: ilovedonews), of: maomaobear. < / p> Recently, with the launch of Snapdragon 865, 765, MT6889, and Samsung 980, the topic of mobile phone SOC performance scores has become hot again. In fact, mobile phone.. Read More

First | Focus on the health monitoring of ⽣ ⻓ bell potato ⽣ ⻓, “Jian Yun Technology” announced that it has received millions of yuan of angel round investment

It can collect crop-based environmental data and crop data, including nutrition, meteorology, soil, and crop signs. It is learnt that Jianyun Technology ’s ⻢ Bowl Dioscorea health monitoring system “Ploughing Simple” recently announced that it has obtained a multi-million-dollar angel round investment from Jiazi Sailing. This round of investment will be mainly used for the further optimization and promotion of products. In 2018, The annual planting area of ​​major potato.. Read More

You do n’t feel sleepy, it ’s really “expensive”

Why do young people “can’t sleep”? I think social networks may be blamed. Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “李 柠檬” (ID: imslimeng) , Author Li Mo, founder of IMS, reproduced with permission. In previous articles, I shared my views on the “night economy”, “tracking economy”, and “addictive economy”. Let me talk about “sleep economy” today. Three major pains of modern young people-hair loss, insomnia, and.. Read More

North American Comics 2019: Marvel’s Share Exceeds 40%, Digital Distribution Is the Future

Article is from WeChat public account: Sanwen Entertainment (ID: hi3wyu) , author: Dkphhh, from the title figure: Figure worm Paper comics have hit the ceiling. No one can break the bipolar structure of Marvel DC. Moreover, in terms of digital distribution, big companies are still ahead. After a round of recession, the North American comic market in 2019 has ushered in a recovery. According to the data provided by Diamond.. Read More