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Chenguang 0.5 yuan buy 12 yuan detailed steps

1. Receive 12-5 coupon first 2, select the product a href = “” target = “_ blank”> Full 5 cases, 40% off the total price ), select 5 items and 12 yuan https: // Provided casually, choose about 2.5 yuan after you choose + 3, Jingdong Finance APP, search for a wish to find the lucky wish pool, and order a product and make a wish 2 Yuan Baitiao.. Read More

Hubei aid e medical staff receive 1 year of contact lenses for free

Activities are only available for Hubei Aid personnel , regardless of region, as long as you have a professional certificate, work unit details, and pass certificate, A list of personnel assisted in Hubei, my identity certificate, and at least 2 types of front-line work certifications can apply for 1 year of contact lenses provided by the video glasses network! Application address: Mobile code scanning: