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Why is the opportunity for “new infrastructure” still in big cities?

This article comes from the WeChat public account: University of Chaos (ID: hundun-university) , author: Lu Ming, grapefruit, title figure from: vision China Since 2020, “new infrastructure” has become a hot word on the Internet. Different from the traditional construction of reinforced concrete such as building bridges and roads, “new infrastructure” is a new economic form based on digitalization. It has not only risen to the level of China’s national.. Read More

Economic Reference News: Accelerate the construction of a complete domestic demand system and deeply release economic potential

Educate new opportunities in a crisis and start a new situation in the face of changing circumstances. “Accelerate the construction of a complete domestic demand system” has become a prescription for China in the face of the great changes. In the year of fully building a well-off society and the ending of the 13th Five-Year Plan and the year of decisive battle and decisive victory, the sudden new coronary pneumonia.. Read More

America, the renaissance and setbacks of the energy empire

Source | Earth Knowledge Bureau (ID: diqiuzhishiju) Author | Science Fan Xuechang Head Image | shutterstock @ Steve Bruckmann In early 2020, Trump said in his speech on the conflict with Iran that the United States has achieved energy independence and “does not need oil from the Middle East.” Behind is the shale oil and gas revolution led by the United States-the technology for extracting oil from oil-bearing shale is.. Read More

The two bacterial proteins have broad-spectrum antiviral activity against Xinguan et al.

The research team of Tsinghua University, Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Shenzhen Center for Disease Control, Guangdong University of Medicine, University of Connecticut School of Medicine conducted functional screening of secreted proteins of Pseudomonas sp. A broad-spectrum antiviral bacterial protein with lipase activity. These two bacterial proteins are effective against dengue virus (DENV), Zika virus (ZIKV), severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), human immunodeficiency.. Read More

The 70-year property right of the homestead will automatically renew soon; Meituan lost 1.7 billion in the first quarter

Good morning, let ’s take a look at what happened today ~ Some sounds of the two sessions @ 国民 经 略 【 Automatic renewal! 70 years of property rights, a final word 】 Civil Code will be officially unveiled, Article 359 of which puts forward: “If the period of land use right for residential construction expires, it will be renewed automatically. Payment or reduction of renewal fees In accordance.. Read More