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20 is not confused, only 30, then 55 years old?

This article is from WeChat official account:One-way Street Bookstore (ID: onewaystreet2013), author: heym, head Figure from: “the beginning of the 55-year-old Hello Life” Inventory of recent hot topics, twenty is not confused, thirty is only, sisters ride the wind and waves…the anxiety and predicament divided by age firmly occupy people’s sight. The one-way editorial department has also discussed why people use age thresholds to divide people. Think about the “Stay.. Read More

The Fate of the Bull Market

Source|Yuanchuan Research Institute(ID : Caijingyanjiu) Author|Li Motian, editor|Boss Dai/Director Huang Head Image|CFP, June 29, 2020 local time, New York, New York Stock Exchange The first half of the American economist Robert Reich’s life was a textbook-level model of the American dream: he suffered from a disease called Fairbank’s disease, resulting in a height of only 1 Mi 49, suffered from campus bullying. In such an environment, Reich, who was physically.. Read More