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There will be pain when pressed when walking, there are small black spots in the middle, which seems to be contagious

Problem description: When walking, there will be pain when pressed, with small black spots in the middle, which seems to be contagiousDate of the problem:2020-10-24 Patient information:Age: 20 years old, Gender: MaleProblem analysis: It is recommended that you send out the picture, let me see if the patient has corns The possibility. Guide and suggestion: If you have corns, you can use corn ointment for external use, and you should.. Read More

As a leader, it’s more important to understand people’s minds

Without understanding the management of people’s minds, there is no effect. Editor’s note: This article is from the micro-channel public number “notes Man” (ID: Notesman), Author: Shepherd School. Faced with the emergence of a large number of large and small, well-known and unknown companies from all walks of life around the world, it is too difficult for entrepreneurs in the 21st century to conquer cities. So, leaders are racking their.. Read More

We turned through the 130,000-word interview with Huang Zheng and the open letter, and found these secrets

This article is from WeChat official account:Tencent Technology (ID: qqtech)< span class = "text-remarks">, author: Liu Jing, from the title figure: vision China On March 17, a letter to shareholders from Pinduoduo founder Huang Zheng set off an uproar. When Pinduoduo became the largest e-commerce platform in China with users, Huang Zheng announced his resignation as the chairman of Pinduoduo. Aroused speculation and discussion in the industry and media circles.. Read More

I rubbed my abraded knee the day before yesterday with iodophor and Yunnan Baiyao, one of them has never been

Problem description: The knee that was bruised the day before yesterday, after rubbing iodophor and Yunnan Baiyao, one piece has not been scabs, it looks like this now, is it suppurative? How to deal with it? Question date:2020-10-24 Patient information:Age: 24 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: Use iodophor to disinfect and wipe the local area every day to keep the wound clean. Guidance suggestion: It is recommended that patients need.. Read More

Smart speakers, are you okay?

The more “smarter” it is. Through hundreds of millions of voice interactions, the intelligent voice assistant Alexa has been upgraded and iterated in the tempering of big data, becoming the most “smart” intelligent assistant on the market, and this first-mover advantage has formed a snowball effect, which will become more and more competitive in the future. Lead. Secondly, Echo, as a terminal for direct contact with users, has promoted Amazon.. Read More

The revolution in digital advertising: Is there a third way?

This article is from WeChat official account:Tencent Research Institute (ID: cyberlawrc) , author: Wang Rong, Huang Nan, from the title figure: vision China Foreword Since the commercialization of the Internet in the 1990s, digital advertising has gone through 30 years of development. In the current high-level protection model of personal data protection legislation, personalized digital advertising based on user behavior is facing changes and adjustments. In June 2020, Apple announced.. Read More

Can I drink brown sugar ginger water for menstrual flow?

Menstrual disorders are also called irregular menstruation, which is a common gynecological disease. Women will show irregular menstrual cycles (too long or too short) and abnormal bleeding (too much or too short). Too little) and other symptoms, and may be accompanied by lower abdomen pain, body fatigue and other general symptoms. Menstrual disorders can generally be adjusted through diet. Then, can I drink brown sugar ginger water for more menstrual.. Read More

Overseas Daily | Zhihu will be listed on the NYSE tonight; Greensill Capital, invested by SoftBank, filed for bankruptcy protection in the United States

In addition, Traveloka and SCB 10x established a joint venture company to provide digital financial services in Thailand; Indian educational technology unicorn Byju’s will raise US$500 million to US$600 million. This article was first published on the overseas website, welcome to moveletschuhai.comSee more global business related information. Globalization of Chinese Enterprises Zhihu will be listed on the NYSE tonight. It was learned that Zhihu will be listed on the New.. Read More

Look at the comics + Alibaba Pictures, is there a chance for comics in China?

Guoman IP may be closer to real life than webtext IP. Editor’s note: This article is from the micro-channel public number “Entertainment Hard Candy” (ID: yuleyingtang), Author: Wei Nika, Editor: Li Chunhui. In the history of the development of Guoman IP, 2018 is a crucial year. This year, the live-action comic film “Take My Brother Away” unexpectedly became a dark horse in the summer. This unpopular movie about brother and.. Read More

Frequent urination, urgency and urination lasts for 3 months, but it’s not good

Problem description: Three months ago, it was obvious that frequent urination was not enough. After more than a week, I went to have a urine routine, white blood cell 2.+, took anti-inflammatory medicine Tonglin medicine for 3 weeks, and rechecked the urine. The routine is normal. Two weeks after the drug was stopped, the urine culture was free of bacteria and fungi, but from the beginning to the end, my.. Read More