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There is a depression in the middle, I don’t know if it’s a pit or an acne mark

Problem description: There is a depression in the middle, I don’t know if it’s a pit or an acne mark.Date of the problem: 2020-12-31 Patient information :Age: 19 years old, Gender: FemaleProblem analysis: Hello, from the photo, if there is a depression in the middle, it is a manifestation of both acne pits and acne marks. Guide and suggestion: In this case, it is recommended to use polysulfonic mucopolysaccharide cream.. Read More

How to treat stuttering when communicating with others?

Problem description: This problem has been there since I was very young. I stammered every time I took the initiative to talk to others, or when I first said the first sentence, I sometimes couldn’t say it directly, as if stuck I just can’t say it in my throat. Sometimes I stutter when I say it, repeating a word several times. It’s like talking well at home, but there’s something.. Read More

Can I drink alcohol after eating artificial bezoar metronidazole for 12 hours and drinking four liters of water?

Question description: Can I drink alcohol after eating artificial bezoar metronidazole for 12 hours and drinking four liters of water?Question date:2020-12-31 Patient information:Age: 18 years old, Gender: FemaleProblem analysis:Currently using metronidazole, this one is not suitable for drinking, alcohol will affect the medicineGuide suggestion: At present, it is mainly a light diet. Drinking will conflict with drugs. Do not drink for the time being.Suggestion is for reference only. If the.. Read More

How to treat condyloma acuminatum

Problem description: Now I have a small wart body in the foreskin, and I went to the hospital to get a laser, then photodynamic, and now I am using KangyouwangThe date of the problem:2020-12-31 Patient information: Age: 18 years old Gender: MaleProblem analysis: Hello according to your description, if you The situation is in the case of genital warts. Guide suggestion: The treatment method you are currently using is okay,.. Read More

Four months old baby, there are a lot of red dots on her body, what is it

Problem description: My baby has a lot of red spots on his body for four months. What are they? On the belly, back, thighs and calvesDate of the problem:2020-12-31 Patient information:Age: 32 years old Gender: FemaleProblem analysis:Hello, according to your description Consider viral infection or eczema, pay attention to local hygiene and keep clean. Guide and suggestion: Take a shower frequently, change clothes frequently, keep cool and dry, don’t be.. Read More

Hello, a four-year-old child with keratitis has a white spot on the eyeball that is relatively large and can be eliminated

Description of the problem: Hello, a four-year-old child with keratitis has a large white spot on the eyeball. Can it be resolved?Date of the problem:2020-12-31 < br />Patient information:Age: 4 years old, Gender: FemaleProblem analysis: If it is acute keratitis, treat it according to the cause in time, anti-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory Virus treatmentGuide and suggestion: There is also repair of corneal epithelial damage to see if it can be recovered… Read More

Liu Shaotong, deputy general manager of the Shanghai Stock Exchange: Institutional investors have accounted for 25% of the total transactions on the Sci-tech Innovation Board

“As of the end of May this year, the Science and Technology Innovation Board has accumulated 282 listed companies, with an IPO financing amount of more than 360 billion yuan, and a total market value of nearly 4.1 trillion yuan, accounting for 64% of the number of listed companies in Shanghai during the same period, and 61% of the financing amount. 8%.” Liu Shaotong, deputy general manager of the Shanghai.. Read More

There are red bumps on both sides of the thighs, which are very itchy and sometimes painful

Problem description: There are red bumps on both sides of the thighs, which are very itchy and sometimes painfulDate of the problem:2020-12-31 Patient information:Age: 15 years old, Gender: FemaleProblem analysis: Look at the photo and your description. This situation is a manifestation of folliculitis. Guide and suggestion: In this case, it is recommended to take oral minocycline capsules and topical fusidic acid cream for treatment. Recommendations are for reference only… Read More

I ate the first levonorgestrel tablet at about 10:30 in the morning, and the second one at

Question description: The first levonorgestrel tablet I ate at around 10:30 in the morning, and the second tablet at 12 o’clock in the evening is effective?Question Date: 2020-12-31 Patient information:Age: 18 years old Gender: FemaleProblem analysis:Levoyne block pregnancy The normal usage of ketone tablets is to take one tablet within 72 hours after having sex, and then take the second tablet 12 hours later. Guidelines: If you follow your taking.. Read More

Usually the aunt is not very regular. I came to my aunt on November 15th,

Problem description: Usually, my aunt is not very regular. I came to my aunt on November 15th. I had the same room on December 17th. I was pregnant on December 30th. The b-ultrasound showed a gestational sac of 20×11mm. How long have I been pregnant?Question date: 2020-12-31 Patient information:Age: 25 years old Gender: FemaleProblem analysis: Irregular menstruation, November I am menstruating, and I am pregnant on December 30th. How many.. Read More