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Can I eat fresh sour plums after the flow of people?

Problem description: I was shopping in the supermarket, and my wife asked me to bring her some fresh plums back. I think that fruit is very sour, I don’t like it, and I just finished the crowd. Can I eat fresh plums after the crowd? Question date: 2020-12-03 Patient information: Age: 31 Gender: FemaleCan eat fresh plum after the abortion . Generally, you can eat ume plum about two hours.. Read More

Can I drink mung bean porridge after making a crowd?

Problem description: My sister has a baby, but she told her husband that she doesn’t want a baby yet. She went to the hospital for an abortion and wanted to cook some mung bean soup for her. Can I drink mung bean soup after the abortion? Question date:2020-12-03 Patient information:Age: 26 Gender: FemaleYou can drink a small amount after the flow of people Mung bean soup. You can drink a.. Read More

Can the hpv vaccine be given after the face-lift injection?

Problem description: After the face-lifting injection today, I found out that I was going to take the HPV vaccine, but I don’t know whether to postpone it. I was afraid that it would be bad for the health after the face-lifting injection. hpv vaccine? Question date:2020-12-02 Patient information: Age: 26 Gender: FemaleAfter the face-lift injection, yes You cannot inject HIV vaccine. Don’t get the HPV vaccine after the face-lifting injection… Read More

Can I drink coffee after the face-lift injection?

Problem description: I went home after the face-lift injection, but after returning home, my friend called me to drink coffee. I don’t know if I can drink coffee after the face-lift injection. Can I drink coffee after face-lift? Question date:2020-12-02 Patient information: Age: 28 Gender: FemaleNot allowed after the face-lift injection Drink coffee. Don’t drink coffee after the face-lifting injection. Just after the face-lifting injection, the wound is open. The.. Read More

You can eat immediately after the face-lift injection

Problem description: I went to the restaurant to eat after the face-lift injection in the hospital, but when I just finished eating, I was very worried about the impact on my body. Can I eat immediately after the face-lift injection? Question date:2020-12-02 Patient information:Age: 32 Gender: FemaleI can’t take the face-lift injection right away. thing. After the face-lifting injection, you should not eat immediately. You should observe for about three.. Read More

Can I smoke an electronic cigarette after the face-lift injection?

Problem description: I accompanied my eldest colleague to the hospital for the face-lifting injection, but the eldest sister started smoking electronic cigarettes just after the face-lifting injection. I don’t know if the eldest sister’s behavior is correct. After the face-lifting injection, I can get electronic Smoke? Question date:2020-12-02 Patient information: Age: 34 Gender: FemaleDetermined according to the actual situation of the patient , Whether you can smoke electronic cigarettes after.. Read More

Can I drink coffee after the face-lift injection?

Problem description: I went home after the face-lift injection at the beauty institution. In the afternoon, my friend called me to drink coffee. I don’t know if I can drink coffee in this situation. After the face-lift injection, I can Drink coffee? Question date:2020-12-02 Patient information: Age: 37 Gender: FemaleCan’t drink coffee after face-lifting injection . Just after the injection of the face-lifting needle, the wound is in the recovery.. Read More

Can I run and sweat after the face-lift injection?

Problem description: I went to the hospital for the face-lift injection in the afternoon, because I usually have the habit of running, but I don’t know if I can continue to run and sweat after the face-lift injection. Do you sweat while running? Question date:2020-12-02 Patient information:Age: 38 Gender: FemaleCannot run after the face-lift injection Sweating. It is not recommended that patients do strenuous exercise just after the face-lifting injection… Read More

What should I do if the face-lift needle touches water?

Problem description: I went home after the face-lift injection, and then I washed the clothes, but I accidentally touched the water during the washing process. I didn’t know what to do. What should I do if the face-lift needle touches the water? Date of the question:2020-12-02 Patient information:Age: 39 Gender: FemaleNeed to judge the medication according to the wound condition . After the face-lifting needle touches the water, you should.. Read More