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Is it easy for people with fat faces to sag?

Problem description: I have a lot of fat on my face, and I am worried that facial sagging will occur if my face is fat. I would like to ask if people with fat face are prone to sagging? Question date:2021-06-12 Patient information:Age: 33 Gender: FemalePeople with fat faces are prone to sagging Yes, people with fat faces have a lot of fat on their faces. As they age, their.. Read More

How to tighten the skin on the face

Problem description: Recently, I found that the skin on my face is very loose, and it seems that I am very unconscious. How can the loose skin on my face become tight? Question date:2021-06-12 Patient information:Age: 24 Gender: FemaleIf you want to change the skin of your face The firmness can be treated by skin lift surgery, or you can eat more protein and vitamin-rich foods for improvement. Facial skin.. Read More

How to tighten the skin on the face

Problem description: My good friends are now telling me to do medical beauty every day. My heart is moving, but as I get older, my facial skin is sagging. How should I tighten it? Date of question: 2021-06-12 Patient information: Age: 35 Gender: Female The skin on the face is very loose. You can properly lose weight, pay attention to diet and exercise, eat less high-calorie, high-fat foods, and eat.. Read More

How to tighten the skin of the face

Problem description: I found that my facial skin is loose. I want to make my skin firmer. How can I make my facial skin firmer if it is very loose? Question date:2021-06-12 Patient information:Age: 40 Gender: FemaleFace skin is very loose, generally you can pass The laser method is tightened, and it can also be improved by skin lift surgery. If there is loose skin on the face, most of.. Read More