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how to make eyelashes longer

Problem description:My eyelashes have been very short since I was born. I envy other people’s long eyelashes. How can I make them longer? Question Date:2021-06-15 Patient Information:Age: 22 Gender: FemaleYou can apply eyelash growth liquid to make eyelashes To lengthen, you can also go to a regular plastic surgery hospital to do eyelash extensions to make the eyelashes longer. The length of eyelashes is generally determined by genetics. By grafting.. Read More

how to lose fat on face

Problem description: During this period of time, the fat on my face has increased significantly, and it also affects the shape of my face. How to reduce the fat on my face? Question Date:2021-06-15 Patient Information:Age: 34 Gender: FemaleIt is generally possible to reduce the flesh on the face Through face-lifting needle injection, it can also be improved by liposuction. The main ingredient of the face-lifting needle is botulinum toxin,.. Read More

how to lose fat on face

Problem description:I have a lot of flesh on my face, and my face is obviously very big. If you want to reduce the fat on your face, how can you reduce the fat on your face? Question Date:2021-06-15 Patient Information:Age: 24 Gender: FemaleIt is OK to reduce the flesh on the face Do sports, or go to the local hospital to choose liposuction or face-lifting injections. If you want to.. Read More

how to lose fat on face

Problem description:I have a lot of fat on my face now, which makes me very troubled. I want to reduce the fat on my face through a series of methods. How can I reduce the fat on my face? Question Date:2021-06-15 Patient Information:Age: 23 Gender: FemaleIf the crowd wants to lose face On the flesh, it can be operated by topical massage or facial liposuction. In daily life, you can.. Read More

how to lose fat on face

Problem description:A large part of my face is fat, which looks very ugly. How can I reduce the fat on my face? Question Date:2021-06-15 Patient Information:Age: 28 Gender: FemaleReducing the flesh on the face can be done by Facial massage or liposuction, injection of face-lifting needles and other methods to improve. There are several ways to remove the flesh on the face: 1. First, the patient can massage and lift.. Read More

How to lighten chloasma on face

Problem description:I recently noticed that I have a lot of chloasma on my face, which looks very ugly. Wondering how to lighten chloasma on your face? Question Date:2021-06-15 Patient Information:Age: 36 Gender: FemaleWant to lighten the yellowness on the face For chloasma, it is necessary to first determine the severity of chloasma, and then choose the appropriate method. If the chloasma is relatively mild, it can be improved by oral.. Read More

How to lighten chloasma on face

Problem description: Recently, I have a lot of melasma on my face, which is very ugly. I would like to ask how can I lighten the melasma on my face? Question Date:2021-06-15 Patient Information:Age: 31 Gender: FemaleIf you want to lighten the face Melasma can be treated with freckle creams under the guidance of a doctor. Chloasma is usually caused by not paying attention to sun protection or by endocrine.. Read More

How to lighten chloasma on face

Problem description:When I was doing makeup, I found that there were a lot of chloasma on my face, which affected the normal appearance. If I want to adjust it, how can I lighten the chloasma on my face? ? Question Date:2021-06-15 Patient Information:Age: 44 Gender: FemaleLightening Melasma on Face Under normal circumstances, it needs to be conditioned by carbon dioxide laser or fractional laser, which can promote its own recovery… Read More

How to lighten chloasma on face

Problem description:After giving birth to two babies, due to lack of sleep, staying up late, and light chloasma on my face, how can I lighten the chloasma on my face? Question Date:2021-06-15 Patient Information:Age: 33 Gender: FemaleLightening Melasma on Face You can go to a regular medical beauty salon for spot light surgery, or you can apply light spot products. Chloasma is pigmentation caused by endocrine disorders in the body… Read More

how to get rid of fat

Problem description: During the skin care process, I found that my eyes will not have a lot of fat particles, which makes them look particularly ugly. How can I get rid of the fat particles? Question Date:2021-06-15 Patient Information:Age: 30 Gender: FemaleRemove the fat particles and he will be able to Through the laser method, the local fat granules can be prevented from increasing continuously. During the laser process, the.. Read More