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Crazy chip training class: “Take 4 months of class, get 300,000 annual salary”

As long as there is a high salary, there is no shortage of talents. Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “Leopard Change” (ID: baobiannews), author Ma Hui , Editor Zhang Yang. Released with authorization. Core Tips The chip industry continues to heat up, and chip talents are scarce. Training institutions take the opportunity to fill positions and provide practical talents for the industry. Those who admire.. Read More

Online “marketing class”: a placebo for workplace anxiety

011/04/014615526651.png?imageView2/2/w/1000/format/png/interlace/1/q/85″ data-w=”1000″ data-h=”406″> (Teachers who have such experience will only give a lot of money to the price) Another questionable point is “education” itself. Many people think that “education” has boundaries. Especially “classroom teaching”, people choose “listen to teacher lectures” obviously not only for gaining knowledge and listening to stories, but more importantly, mastering the corresponding knowledge system or skills through planned and systematic learning, and then gaining Stable output… Read More

Woman in painting

The owner of this small company is called Wang Guofu. This Wang Guofu started from scratch and worked hard in the business world for many years. However, Wang Guofu’s hobby is really not something ordinary people play. On weekdays, he saves money and saves some antique calligraphy and paintings. This Wang Guofu loves calligraphy and painting antiques like his life, as if he has become a fan. So the years.. Read More

Valuation of 27 billion, knocking on the IPO door, how far is the perfect diary from “perfect”

What is the out-of-lap password for Perfect Diary? Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “E-commerce Online” (ID: dianshangmj) by Yang Tingting , The editor asked. Released with authorization. Back swaying forward, Zhou Xun in a black dress said in her signature voice: “Perfect Diary, beautiful, unlimited”. This group of modern blockbusters in collaboration with the fashion magazine “ELLE” has recently appeared frequently in building elevator advertisements… Read More

I drove AirDrop on the subway and received more than a dozen pornographic pictures.

This article is from WeChat official account:Epoch Story House (ID: epochstory2017), author: mochi, edit: mochi, the original title: “open airdrop subway, received a dozen expression package, as well as pornography,” drawing from the title: vision China The blogger@推拿熊 shared a few days ago that he received an AirDrop message from a stranger while eating at a popular Internet celebrity shop: The comment area immediately shared and communicated. It turned out.. Read More


It started last week: Li Wen went to a store to buy clothes. The clothes there were all famous brands and the prices were high. She took a beautiful dress into the fitting room, and when she was about to change, she found a skirt on the floor of the fitting room. It may be someone who did not take out the clothes after trying them out, and the aunt.. Read More

Huaqiang Beitian is not afraid of not afraid of iPhone 12?

The teardown test of iPhone 12 shows that only Apple has the final say in iPhone repairs. Editor’s note: This article is from the micro-channel public number “Ray Technology” (ID: leitech) , Author: < a class="project-link" data-id="41584" data-name="雷科技" data-logo="" data-refer-type="2 "href="" target="_blank">Ray Technology Digital 3C Group. If there is any mobile phone that can drive the entire industry on its own, the iPhone is definitely the number one. From material.. Read More

What is the ultimate fate of those companies that have suspended their listing on the A-share market for 30 years?

This article is from WeChat official account:Daily Economic News (ID: nbdnews), reporter: Tu Yinghao, editor: Sun Zhicheng, Du Hengfeng, Xiao Yong, the original title: “A-shares in 30 years, what is the ultimate fate of a company that has been suspended from listing like Ant? Investment Bankers Quickly Interpret the Impact”, head picture from: Visual China While the listing on the Science and Technology Innovation Board was suspended, the listing of.. Read More

Grave at midnight

Wang Dabao is in his thirties, and Qingzhu Village is famous for being silly and bold, not to mention not afraid of people, even ghosts. On this day, Wang boldly slept in the yard, but there were a lot of mosquitoes. The mosquito-repellent incense can’t go away. So he slapped left and right, finally fell asleep, and patted himself again. After playing mahjong, the famous gangster in the village, Wu.. Read More

After a complete rollover, why can Luckin survive to this day?

/p> There is a rough break-even indicator within the company, that is, the average daily sales of a single store is 200 cups, and the daily flow is 2,600 yuan. Only a few cities in the northern market, such as Shijiazhuang and Lanzhou, cannot meet this standard, while the southern market is more optimistic. . A store manager of Ruixing told the internal ginseng that the total cost of a.. Read More