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Young people who love to watch videos to learn, what are they watching

> Although graphics and text formats are the first choice of most users due to their timeliness and professionalism, as the entire Internet is rapidly becoming video, nearly 40% of respondents are “video only” or “video first” The consumption habits of consumers are more prominent among users under the age of 25 (49%). From the platform data, we can also see the popularity of knowledge videos. At the beginning of.. Read More

Great Strong Congliang

Didn’t check it out yet. Don’t look at it, everyone. “The young man was furious, and he cursed when he left: “There is a mother who teaches me but my dad raises it, so I’ll do something sneaky. “Daqiang Dad didn’t like to listen to these words, so he rushed up and said angrily: “Who are you talking about?” “The young man was startled by the strong dad who appeared,.. Read More

Fan pony

Xiao Ma is a famous lottery fan and stingy. In addition to the lottery, he was reluctant to spend a penny. However, the pony has bought lottery for many years, but has never won a prize, even the least five dollars. But he still enjoys this, and he doesn’t even bother with the jokes made by his colleagues. Xiao Ma often says to colleagues: “Just wait and see, the grand.. Read More

Who said it

One day, Lao Zhang and Lao Li met on the street. The old man began to ask old Li for advice. Zhang: The rats in our house are in a disaster. Every night I dream that there are all rats stealing in our rice tank. Later, I heard the neighbor say that the rat poison of XX brand is good, but after I went back and used it, I found.. Read More

Do emerging markets really have excess returns?

/203230179344.jpg?imageView2/2/w/1000/format/jpg/interlace/1/q/85″ data-w=”1080″ data-h=”627″> GDP growth of different types of countries (left) | Index returns of different types of countries (right) Figure 1: GDP growth and stock index returns The GDP data comes from (IMF, 2013), and the forecast time of 2013 GDP is October 2013. Emerging markets and frontier market index returns: Based on the market capitalization weighted combination of MSCI Emerging Market Index (MXEF) and MSCI Frontier Market Index.. Read More

In the post-epidemic era, the dispute and future of film and television commentary accounts

927a244b1b3ec_img_000″ data-img-size-val=”1080,2340″> Times make heroes: The reason for the rise of movie commentary accounts Actually, I found that such a problem was disgusting. It can be seen that film and television commentary accounts have become a ubiquitous content ecology in the self-media industry. The reason is that netizens have more convenient ways to obtain information and more channels. In particular, the rapid development of short videos, the dual visual +.. Read More

In India, men are pointed at by guns every day, marrying strange women

This article is from WeChat official account:Partial observation (ID: jubuguancha)< span class = "text-remarks">, author: theatrical actress, title figure from: vision China 1. Every year, thousands of Indian men are brutally “robbed of relatives” Lack of a groom? Go to the street and grab one back! This is not a joke. In places like Bihar in northern India, “grabbing relatives” has been a bad habit for many years-it’s just that.. Read More

Make a brand into a unicorn, and you will belch 丨 Sonata point of view

The retention rate, those stable users, are the foundation for you to build consumer Internet products. 03 LTV, how does it count? One thing that any entrepreneur who has taken external financing can’t avoid is that there will always be people who expect your business to start making money. Of course, VCs will invest in a lot of consumer Internet companies, and some may not make much money all the.. Read More

At first I was not sure that it was a mushroom, I thought it was a blue sugar paper on the ground

p>The place where I am standing is an endangered lowland subtropical rainforest near my home, located on the north coast of New South Wales, Australia. In the past ten years, I have taken many pictures of mushrooms in this forest. In addition, I went to shoot mushrooms in some of the most remote forests on the planet. Shooting mushrooms has become one of my passions and completely changed my view.. Read More

Who wants Tesla to rise the most?

Musk is indeed too high. At that time, the stock price was close to $1,600, and the high admission fee shut out many retail investors. No one comes to buy and sell stocks frequently, how can Tesla’s market value rise? On the other hand, if small investors do not enter the market, how can Tesla raise more money! Although it may not be urgently needed for Tesla, because 2020H1 Tesla.. Read More