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A 14-inch notebook, a stable workbench

There is a constant rule in the digital circle. “Playing digitally requires the latest, and the configuration will never be saturated.” This sentence was originally used to say that mobile phone performance will never be saturated. After all, today’s mobile phones are not only communication tools, but also take into account the role of portable productivity tools. The latest technology can double the efficiency of work. But now, this sentence.. Read More

Excessive use of the eyes of the people, 600 million + people myopia, eye care food business or do?

Your eyes, okay? This article is from WeChat public account: FBIF Food & Beverage Innovation (ID: FoodInnovation), author Pan, editor Bobo, authorized to reprint. “Protect vision for the revolution, prevent myopia, eye exercises begin now, close your eyes…” The eye exercises we have done in those years, do you remember the acupuncture points in each section? As a standard during the class, eye exercises have been in China for 50.. Read More

I am intern at an internet factory

The feel and style of the Internet big factory. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Tech Planet” (ID :tech618), author Zhang Yating Yang Jingwei. feel and style of internet makers. Tech Planet (WeChat ID: tech618) Text | Zhang Yating Yang Jingxi ​​”Into the byte of the vibrato, is it possible to brush up the video every day?”, “Tencent WeChat Division, graduates monthly salary 30,000?”, “Ali is very.. Read More

Campus loans are hot again: offline lending, student computers, driver’s licenses can be mortgaged

Banks, giants, scammers, and road loans have all come. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “a financial account” (ID: Yibencaijing), the author of a financial. 文 | Euler What kind of group is the student? There is no economic strength, but behind them, there is a family as the pillar, and the latter has a strong repayment ability. Because of fear of affecting the child’s future, parents.. Read More

The 9-year-old child was killed alive, why is the onlookers not suffering?

This article is from WeChat public account:Everyone – Tencent News (ID:ipress), author: Zhang Feng 3, title figure from: vision China A 9-year-old boy from Changsha, Hunan Province, went to school with his companion after lunch. He was riding under an adult man and killed with a screwdriver. The video on the Internet is really chilling. 9-year-old boy in the community suspected of being killed by a mentally ill person: the.. Read More

Internet music bid farewell to copyright wars, music community or become a new outlet?

Internet music enters the second half, who can kill the encirclement? Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “Xiao Qian notes” ( ID: xiaoqianshuo), author Xiao Qian. Originally thought that the copyright dispute was behind, the Internet music market has been difficult to make major changes. But I never thought that after the new music products such as the music encounter and the singing of the duck.. Read More

Talking to Ning Hao and Shenao about “Beneficiary”: Be a naive filmmaker and shoot a movie that is loyal to his heart.

“Beneficiary” brings to the audience the courage of being true and facing themselves. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Rhinoceros Entertainment” (ID :piaofangtoushijing), author of the rhinoceros entertainment editorial department. Text|Island Editor |Summer Tim > Real. This is the phrase that Rhino Entertainment and the “Beneficiary” producer Ning Hao and the director Shenao listened to. They not only said that they were very real, but the state.. Read More

A brief history of Chinese traffic

This article is from “Internet refers to North (hlwzhibei)“,Author / Zhang Hanyue Editor / Pu Fan In September 2017, Li Yinhe once had a fight with Jidong. The reason is that Jidong said on the Weibo “(self) is a pure man, pure men love to cooperate with pure men, stale, simple, It is clear that all personnel who are not male or female, or non-fathers have no intention of contact.”.. Read More

Focus Analysis | Why is Samsung “the world’s number one” running in the Chinese market?

When was the last time you bought a Samsung mobile phone? The right to declare that Samsung Electronics has “returned to the Chinese market” in the past eight months,The company has launched a massive layoff plan in China. It seems that the last fight is not very good. At the Wuzhen conference on February 28 this year, Quan Guixian, president of Samsung Electronics Greater China, said, “I have a lot.. Read More

If the Berlin Wall did not fall, the East German Merkel would like to do the most?

This article is from WeChat public account:Interface News (ID:wowjiemian), author: An Jing, title figure: vision China November 9, 2019 is the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall in Germany. German Chancellor Angela Merkel recently said in an interview with the media that if the Berlin Wall is still there, she has retired five years ago and started her dream of a trip to the United States. In.. Read More