“We are all wooden people, we can’t talk or move!” Students in a middle school classroom play games in groups of three to five.

A student in “Haha” couldn’t help laughing, so he was fined to buy the big white rabbit toffee for everyone to eat.

“Ding Ding–” The bell of the class sounded harshly, and several students stopped the “Woodman” game and reluctantly sat back in their seats.

Although it is sitting back, the fun students still can’t help but take out their phones, some listen to MP3s, some people wear headphones to watch movies, and others Netizens chatted happily.

The classroom is full of buzz. www.guidaye.com

Mr. Lin Jun walked into the classroom with brisk steps. As a class teacher, he always had a headache for how to make students listen to him seriously. Endlessly, seeing the students listless and lazy, he saw another chill in his novice class teacher. The current students are not as good as the former students in discipline. They always protect themselves with self-esteem. They can’t fight, they can’t fight, they can’t scold, this time I heard that the headmaster will come to inspect, if the students continue to be so distracted It was miserable. It’s better… to have a good idea in mind, to tell students the ghost stories they have experienced, they listen to him carefully, and the class is over.

“Bang Bang—-” made up his mind. Teacher Lin Jun hit the rostrum with a teaching pointer. “Please be quiet! Today I will study for myself. I will tell you about the ghosts I personally experienced. The story, but I have a condition, you must cooperate with me to do a good job in class discipline, don’t let the principal pass me embarrassed!”

Mr. Lin Jun’s words haven’t been finished yet, sure enough Unsurprisingly, the following hands were raised in unison, everyone put their hands down and quieted down, and the students looked at the teacher with rounded eyes, and many people urged: “Mr. Lin, quickly Tell me, hurry up!”

Here is the ghost story that Mr. Lin Jun told about his personal experience.

The ghost story I tell you today is called the girl with two braids.

One year ago, I fell in love and cried for several days, but I couldn’t save my girlfriend’s heart. I had to cry sadly till dawn.

“Forget me, I already have another man in my heart!” The cruel words when my girlfriend broke up echoed in my ears again and again.

This night, I sat in the chair again, and thought of my ruthless and unsympathetic girlfriend, tears blurred my eyes again.