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Forefront | “Antitrust Law” welcomes “overhaul”, the Internet industry is included for the first time

Will the Anti-Monopoly Law, which is about to be overhauled, end the 4,160-day stagnation period of China ’s Internet anti-monopoly law enforcement? The Internet antitrust issue, which has been receiving much attention, has made new progress. Recently, the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration issued the Revised Draft of the Anti-Monopoly Law (Draft for Public Comment), which is open for public comment. The “Anti-Monopoly Law” Revised Draft (Public Consultation.. Read More

Byte Beats the Dark Dive Film and Television Circle: Co-produced “Tang Tan 3” and won “Bright Sword”

“The film and television industry needs byte beating.” © Deep Original · Author | 亚兰 、 吕 玥 “The film and television industry needs byte beating.” The close of the year, this phrase has appeared in many film and television party. The film and television industry in 2019 has adapted to the winter normal, but at the same time it also calls for new catfish, which can stir the market.. Read More

Lidar maker Hesai Technology raises $ 173 million in Series C funding, led by German Bosch Group and Lightspeed China

More than 50% of the 65 companies that have been granted open driverless road test licenses announced by the DMV in California are customers of Hesai. It is learnt that lidar manufacturer Hesai Technology announced today that it has completed Series C financing, led jointly by German Bosch Group and Lightspeed. The total financing amount is US $ 173 million, which is the highest single financing record in the domestic.. Read More

Musk: Thank you, the Chinese government!

Beijing time this morning, Musk took off on his private jet Gulfstream G650 and took off in Los Angeles. On the way, he encountered an Eastern Airlines Boeing 777 airliner on the same route. At first, Musk’s G650 took off late, so he kept following him behind. However, Musk ’s private jet flew at a higher altitude and “fired full”. It soon passed the Boeing 777 and finally arrived in.. Read More

To be a good leader, you are not missing IQ and EQ, but CQ

The article is from the public number: CEIBS Business Review (ID: ceibs-cbr) , author: Division Huan, from the title figure: Figure worm creativity. Before learning leadership, HuoWard Ward’s (Howard Ward) ‘s outlook on life is “everything is right and wrong,” because in the process of growth, he That’s how his parents taught him. While studying leadership, he found that the past concept of right or wrong was not applicable, because.. Read More

[CES 2020] Remember Corning Gorilla Glass? It introduced car interior glass

“The XXX mobile phone uses the X-generation Corning Gorilla Glass”. In most people’s memory, once the mobile phone uses “Corning Gorilla Glass”, it means that the mobile phone screen is resistant to drop and scratch. As an established brand in the glass manufacturing industry, Corning has a well-known reputation in the mobile phone industry. The products also cover industries such as optical communications, display technology, automotive applications and life science.. Read More

Pulitzer Prize-winning thesis writing advice, what do writing essay and fiction have in common?

The article is from the public number: Nature Nature Research (ID: Nature-Research) , the original author: Van Savage & Pamela Yeh, the original title:” write papers and writing novels have in common? Take a look at the paper writing suggestions of Pulitzer Prize winners “, the title picture comes from: worm creative. Cormac McCarthy (Cormac McCarthy) Writing “Road” (The Road) , (No Country for Old Men) , “Black Meridian” (Blood.. Read More

Using VR technology to treat visual impairment caused by brain damage, South Korean startup “Nunaps” raised US $ 4.2 million in Series A funding

Provide visual perception training to treat visual impairment caused by brain injury “Nunaps” official website Recently, Korean digital therapy startup “ Nunaps ” has completed 5 billion won (420 Million USD) in the A round of financing , this round of financing was invested by K Partners, K TB Network and K2 Investment Partners. “Nunaps” plans to use this new funding to build a platform related to treating neurological disorders… Read More

Sony CES launches new car, but who says Sony will definitely build a car

Sony’s new car release should be the biggest news of this CES. The Sony brand has always had a lot to watch. At this year’s CES, the digital giant Sony, which has a lot of experience in the field of sensors and entertainment, actually released a concept car. Vision-S “. VISION-S has a round body, a closed grille, and a typical electric car. At first glance, there are some charms.. Read More

Apocalypse Apocalypse of the “Dung Empire”

This article is from the WeChat public account: Youth Financial Development Association (ID: xrich666) , author: MC Aguda, from FIG title: FIG insect In the vast South Pacific, there is a small island country called Nauru. Relying on digging and selling the island ’s rich phosphate resources (actually bird droppings) made a fortune, once the country’s GDP Pushed to the top three in the world, the per capita income once.. Read More