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Meituan releases ecological anti-corruption announcement: 20 internal employees and 70 partner employees transferred to justice

Anti-corruption is the top priority of enterprise development Editor’s note: This article comes from Tencent Technology a>, Responsible editor: tinggangwu. In 2019, Meituan investigated a total of 38 disciplinary criminal cases, including internal employee corruption and other 15 disciplinary violations, involving 20 employees and 1 partner employee. The cases involved include bribery and the use of office facilities. Arbitration of embezzlement of company funds, embezzlement of merchant settlement funds, etc.. Read More

Operational status of operation in 2019: Over 50% of the operating monthly salary is 8k +, so few “996”?

How did the operator in 19 years live? Editor’s note: This article comes from WeChat public account “Operation Research Society “(ID: U_quan) , author Chen Weixian. Reprinted with permission. Original title “White Paper on the State of Operational Survival in 2019”: Over 50% of the operating monthly salary is 8k +. Is “996” so small? 》 19 years are known as the “cold winter”. This year, Didi, Keep, and Netease.. Read More

Authoritative experts explained: “Is the Tehran Aircraft Plane crashed?”

The article is from the public number: China News Weekly (ID: chinanewsweekly) , author: Cao However, from FIG title: FIG insects. In the early morning of January 10, Beijing time, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau said that he had obtained intelligence from multiple sources, indicating that Ukraine International Airlines flight PS752 crashed on Iranian aircraft. The surface-to-air missile was shot down, adding that this could be unintentional. Crash site. (Screenshot) According.. Read More

I found the romance of the capital in the Weibo Zombie Number

The article is from WeChat public account: Youth Financial Development Association (ID: xrich666) , original title: “I found the number of zombies in the romantic capital”, author: GUTS, from the title figure: Figure worm Have you discovered it recently? The zombie number on social media started to create. The logic is chaotic but full of emotion:

Global Blue Group directors start a business, “ UTU ” wants to cut in from tax refunds and become an “electronic wallet” for cross-border shopping

In the long run, UTU wants to use tax refunds to cut in and become “electronic wallets” that users use more frequently. Tax refund may be the biggest pain point in cross-border tourism and shopping. Extensive paper documents, complicated queueing process … In addition, the pain point mainly comes from the asymmetric information of consumers on the tax refund policy, leading to the loss of the amount that should be.. Read More

Deutsche Bank: The global auto market will still decline slightly in 2020, and the Chinese market will remain stable

Heavy truck sales in Europe and North America are expected to decline by 7% and 24%, respectively. Editor’s note: This article comes from “ Future Car Daily ” (WeChat public account ID: auto-time), author: future cars daily. Author | Jiao Manting Edit | Li Huanhuan After 2019, the global auto market waits for dawn in 2020 in the dark. From the news on January 10, Deutsche Bank’s “2019 Global Automotive.. Read More

I spent 3 days in the casino and see what’s coming in the next 3 years | Near future ㉖

Nothing new in the sun, but every year at CES in Las Vegas, Las Vegas is like holding a telescope. Smart companies are flocking to take us to see what the future looks like. This year ’s world ’s largest consumer electronics show is also full of novelties: Sony sent a “car”, Samsung sent a “ball”, LG Display sent a “curtain” and one plus No mobile phone with “hole” in.. Read More

The cost of running a school is too high, many American universities will be forced to close

The article is from WeChat public account: Taiwan News (ID: tmoneyplus) , author: Mina, from FIG title: FIG insect The multicultural background and free and relaxed environment on American university campuses are sought after by many foreign students. More and more Chinese students have decided to go to the ocean to study in the United States. What many of them don’t know, however, is that higher education has become the.. Read More

In-depth information | New report: The rise of the second-hand luxury market, Gen Z will become the main consumer

Recently, Bain Company and Italian Luxury Industry Association jointly released “2019 Global Luxury Industry Research Report (Autumn Edition)”. Text | Daily Business Picks New report: The rise of the second-hand luxury market, Gen Z will become the main consumer Bain and Italian Luxury Industry Association recently released the “2019 Global Luxury Industry Research Report (Autumn Edition)”. The report shows that the overall sales of the global luxury goods market will.. Read More

Deified Finnish education

Title: worm, this article comes from WeChat public number: date (ID: reknow24) < / a> , the original title of “real version” Finnish education “: afar childhood is not necessarily better,” author: day carved. In the Finnish article of Childhood in Other Places, such a scene appeared: Zhou Yijun visited a painting class for Finnish children. When she heard the teacher say, “(Children) can express themselves freely on paper,” she.. Read More