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Self-cultivation in the workplace: 5 tactical frameworks for self-improvement (part 2)

When faced with criticism from others, you should not only endure it, but also truly accept and recognize it. The Translation Bureau is its translation team, focusing on science and technology, business, workplace, life and other fields, focusing on introducing new foreign technologies, new ideas, and new trends. Editor’s note: In a person’s career, the overall development trajectory is still tortuous. In order to achieve self-improvement in the workplace, in.. Read More

Today, I closed my QQ space

This article is from WeChat official account:Youshulab (ID: youshulab), planning: a few youth observation bureaus, copywriter: An Jiula, editor: Fei, illustrator: seaweed soup, Dede, title picture from: Visual China p> As a buzzword for ranking TOP++ in 2020, it is an individual. If you encounter something, you have to shout: ” Ye Qingjie!” After all, when did your youth end? write at the end When did youth end? Perhaps when.. Read More

When you line up for Shake Shack, I just want Ed Bear to hug me again

Produced | Tiger Sniffing Young Group Author | Zhazha County The title image comes from Pinterest This article was first published on the Huxiuyou content public account “It’s Hard to Escape” (ID: huxiu4youth). Here, we present the faces, stories and attitudes of young people today. On Zhihu, some people compare the taste of Shake Shack with the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty. This means that although it.. Read More

The Falling Chinese Screenwriter: From Marginal Literati to Capital Screw

This article is from WeChat official account:New Weekly (ID: new-weekly), author: Zhao West Anhui, title figure from: vision China For Chinese screenwriters, this is the best time and the worst time. Chinese film and television are undergoing a period of deep transformation and adjustment, and screenwriters cannot stay out of it. The hit drama “Fourteen Years of Chenghua” and “The Hidden Corner” have successively fallen into a dispute over the.. Read More

Forefront | The dust has settled, Ant Group will debut on September 18th

From the IPO application to the first meeting, it took only 25 days for Ant Group On the evening of September 9th, the Science Innovation Board Listing Committee The meeting announcement shows that the committee will review Ant Technology Group Co., Ltd. on the morning of September 18 Starting. At the same time, the official website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Science and Technology Innovation Board released the Ant Technology.. Read More

Those who have not studied chemistry will not know that if you sprinkle sugar on the construction site, you may be chased by workers

This article is from WeChat official account:Bring science home (ID: steamforkids), author: seven Jun, from the title figure: vision China People often see cement construction work on construction sites. Children know that after a period of time, cement will harden and take shape. But what you don’t know is that if you sprinkle sugary drinks on the cement that hasn’t dried yet, or sprinkle sugar directly, you will cause an.. Read More