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Bulging and painful vulva

Problem description: After sex, the outer labia grows into two white bags the size of a grain of rice. It hurts. I had a vaginal test before and it showed that the vagina was normal and there was no vaginal infection. I often bulged after sex, but this time it was outside The labia is not normalDate of problem:2020-09-19 Patient information:Age: 30 years old Gender: Female Problem analysis: The situation.. Read More

What’s wrong with my high blood pressure suddenly becoming low blood pressure?

Problem description: My mother is 55 years old and has a history of high blood pressure for nearly 10 years. In the past six months, she has been prone to sudden low blood pressure. I feel dizzy, what’s the matter? Question date:2020-09-19 Patient information:Age: 55 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: Then pay attention to monitoring the blood pressure to see if there is an increase in blood pressure, and also.. Read More

A one and a half year old boy jumped off the sofa without walking with his right foot

Problem description: I went to the hospital to take a photo immediately after the wrestling, but it was okay. He didn’t feel any pain in his right foot. The doctor called for observation for three days, but he still didn’t get better, and took another MRI. Shouting to observe. I have been crawling and walking on my knees for a week. It’s okay. I just don’t walk.Question date:2020-09-19 Patient information:Age:.. Read More

The menstrual flow was particularly low and it was clean after two days. Go to the hospital to check that the prolactin is high, and then

Problem description: The menstrual volume was particularly low for two days and it was cleaned. Go to the hospital to check that the prolactin is high, and then prescribe metsulfonate bromocriptine for more than 20 days. This month is still the same two days less It’s clean, how long does it take for menstruation to be normal, especially anxious, can’t sleep well at night, dark circles and spots are heavyDate.. Read More

My head is always dizzy and unable to stand lately,

Problem description: Condition description (time of onset, main symptoms, symptom changes, etc.): It means that I suddenly became dizzy and unable to stand up recently. It will be fine after a while. Have you ever gone to the hospital for nausea and vomiting: Haven’t been to the current medication description: No medication, previous medical and surgical history: noneDate of the problem:2020-09-19 Patient information:Age: 31 years old, Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: Hello,.. Read More

I underwent eye laser femtosecond surgery in 2015, and the postoperative recovery was quite good

Problem description: I underwent eye laser femtosecond surgery in 2015. I recovered well after the operation and I have always paid attention to eye use. Last month, my eyes were suddenly blurred, especially when I looked at the computer screen. One thing happened at the time when my eyes were smoked by glue. But the glue did not enter the eyes, tears appeared, and the eyes were red, but it.. Read More

The middle of the lips is white. This has been for several years

Problem description: The middle of the lips is white. This has been for several years.Date of the problem:2020-09-19 Patient information :Age: 22 years old, Gender: FemaleProblem analysis:Hello, the lips should be considered to have digestive system diseases, whether there are usually constipation, diarrhea, loss of appetite, etc., Or other physical diseases? Guide suggestion: It is recommended to eat more foods rich in vitamin C, such as kiwi, oranges, green vegetables,.. Read More

There is a meat ball in the defecation mouth when it was very young

Problem description: The defecation mouth has a fleshy ball when it was very young. It was small and now it has been getting bigger and bigger with time. It has been several years. What is going on? What should be treatedQuestion date:2020-09-19 Patient information:Age: 17 years old Gender: Female Problem analysis: Hello, according to the symptoms you said, this may belong to hemorrhoids, which is caused by inflammation. Guidelines: It.. Read More

I bit my tongue a few days ago after eating, and now it’s inflamed, swollen and painful, and painful

Problem description: I bit out my tongue after eating a few days ago, and now I am inflamed, swollen, painful, and painfulDate of the problem:2020-09 -19 Patient information: Age: 21 years old Gender: MaleProblem analysis: Hello, from the described condition, consider being bitten by the tongue Swelling appeared later. Guide suggestion: It is recommended to gargle with light salt water or hydrogen peroxide, take oral cephalosporin medication, and eat light.. Read More

Frequent urination with painful bloodshot eyes

Problem description: Suddenly urinating frequently this afternoon, about once every five minutes, and then a little bloodshot, it hurts to urinate, not much urine, about five hours, what’s wrong, what’s the reason? Question date:2020-09-19 Patient information:Age: 65 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: Hello, according to the symptoms you describe, it may be caused by a urinary tract infection. Guide and suggestion: The main thing is to drink plenty of water.. Read More