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There is no problem with gastroscopy and esophagoscopy, but I feel that I can’t swallow and eat something.

Problem description: I have no problem with gastroscopy and esophagoscopy. I just feel that I can’t swallow and I am afraid of eating. Before I swallow food, I will go into the esophagus by myself. It’s too scary. What is the problem? What else to check? Question date:2020-10-20 Patient information:Age: 29 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: First of all, you have some excessive anxiety and tension. Personal advice is mostly.. Read More

In the late stage of liver cancer, the stomach is up and can’t eat something musk

Problem description: The stomach of patients with advanced liver cancer is so high that they cannot eat anything! Can musk relieve it? Question date:2020-10-20 Patient information:Age: 62 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: The patient has liver cancer. Existing abdominal distension asks whether musk can improve the above symptoms? Guiding suggestions: The common causes of bloating in patients with liver cancer include increased liver function transaminase, decreased albumin, and anemia. Therefore,.. Read More

Just turned 27 years old. There was breast hyperplasia six years ago, but the doctor said it was benign

Problem description: Just turned 27 years old. Six years ago, there was breast hyperplasia, but the doctor said it was benign. Surgery can be done or not. For safety reasons, surgery was performed. Bilateral breast nodules (multiple) were detected in the precursor for more than two years. Today, I went to the hospital for another examination. The doctor recommended surgery and hoped to have a minimally invasive operation, but the.. Read More

See if the child’s vision is normal, the child is 5 and a half years old

Problem description: Check if the child’s vision is normal. The child is 5 and a half years old.Date of the problem: 2020-10-20 Patient information:< /b>Age: 5 years old, Gender: FemaleProblem analysis: The value you provided shows that the eyesight is not particularly good. Does the child spend too much time watching the mobile phone or watching TV? Guide and suggestion: Therefore, I personally suggest that patients need to go to.. Read More

Colon cancer stage IIIc, postoperative chemotherapy regimen

Problem description: The patient female, age 62, had blood in the stool for 3 months, was diagnosed at a local tertiary hospital with a diagnosis of stage III sigmoid carcinoma of the sigmoid colon. No metastasis was found on the whole body before the operation, on 10/11 Surgical removal of the diseased part, as detailed in the appendix “Discharge Record”. I was discharged from the hospital one week after the.. Read More

Hello, Director, I would like to ask my dad’s eyes, I will send the results of the examination

Problem description: Hello, director, I would like to ask about my dad’s eyes, I will send you the results of the examination, left eye detection: size and shape, normal diameter, lens echo ring Thickening and enhancement, a medium echo mass of about 13×13mm in the vitreous cavity with clear boundaries, flocculent echoes in the vitreous, and blood flow signals in the above mass of CDFl. Ultrasound prompts: the left eye.. Read More