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The boy is 10 years old and his penis is very small.

Problem description: The boy has a very small penis when he is 10 years old, and he didn’t grow up much.Date of the problem:2021-05-05 Patient information :Age: 10 years old Gender: MaleProblem analysis: Hello, according to the situation you described, some children develop later and are younger, so don’t worry too much. Guide suggestion: There are also genetic genes, so you don’t have to worry too much about uncomfortable symptoms.. Read More

Security flaws in the Meituan APP exposed: as long as the phone number and birthday can be replaced with a new phone

On October 10, Wang Sicong posted on Weibo that his public comment was changed to his mobile phone number. At the same time, Wang Sicong also asked @众 comment, “Is this the security system of a trillion-dollar company?” Blogger@轩宁轩Sir comment screenshot October 11, blog The host @轩宁轩Sir broke the news that Meituan has security vulnerabilities. As long as you get the phone number and birthday of your account, you can.. Read More

There is a red patch on the tip of the tongue, no pain, no swelling, no ulcers

Problem description: There is a red patch on the tip of the tongue, no pain, no swelling, no ulcersDate of the problem:2021-05-05 Patient information:Age: 22 years old, Gender: MaleQuestion analysis:Hello, I am your doctor. How long has it been? Do you have any previous medical history?Guidelines: This situation may be caused by burning or tongue ulcers. More vitamin supplementsSuggestions are for reference only, and the problem is serious. Please go.. Read More

Red brown spots on the outer upper arms of both hands

Problem description: Condition description (time of onset, main symptoms, symptom changes, etc.): Hello! The reddish brown spots on the outer side of the upper arms of the hands have been obvious for several years as soon as the weather has been hot. Have you ever gone to the hospital for treatment: Haven’t been to the current medication description: No medication, previous medical and surgical history: noneDate of question: 2021-05-05 Patient.. Read More

Pimples on the back of the hand, itchy when first rising. Redness afterwards. It’s worse. Right-handed

Problem description: I get a pimple on the back of my hand and itchy when I first woke up. Redness afterwards. It’s worse. Both hands are available. 10 or so. Question date:2021-05-05 Patient information:Age: 54 years old Gender: MaleQuestion analysis: Hello, your question has been received, can you show me the picture based on your description? Guide suggestion: I will give you clear guidance based on your description and photos… Read More

Sichuan proposes to save electricity: the air-conditioning heating is not higher than 20℃, and the home uses natural light as much as possible

Practicing green and low-carbon, Sichuan issued a proposal to save electricity. Proposal for saving electricity in the whole province All organs, enterprises and institutions in the province, and the broad masses of the people: In order to actively practice green and low-carbon production and lifestyles, we now propose joint actions by the whole society to jointly save electricity. First, government agencies take the lead in saving electricity. Party and government.. Read More

Since yesterday, the child said that he could not urinate when he wanted to urinate, but drink more water.

Problem description: Since yesterday, the child said that he could not urinate when he wanted to urinate, but he could urinate when he had a strong urge to drink more water. I went to the hospital for a urine routine test last night and there was no problem. , I didn’t have any problems today. I tried to urinate again in the evening and couldn’t urinate. After a while, I.. Read More

I am a hepatitis B carrier, hepatitis B has three major yang, and I am taking entecavir

Problem description: I am a hepatitis B carrier, and I am taking entecavir. Can I get the new crown vaccine? After the injection, should I take entecavir as normal? Question date:2021-05-05 Patient information:Age: 22 years old Gender: MaleQuestion analysis: Hello, I’m your doctor. Please review your liver function before getting the new crown vaccine.Guidelines: If the liver function is normal, you can get the new crown vaccine. If the liver.. Read More

I am a hepatitis B carrier and have three major yang and normal liver function.

Problem description: I have chronic viral hepatitis, have three positives, and have normal liver function. I am taking entecavir. Can I get the new crown vaccine? After the new crown vaccine, is entecavir normal? Question date:2021-05-05 Patient information:Age: 22 years old Gender: MaleQuestion analysis: Hello, I’m your doctor. If the liver function test results are normal, you can callGuidelines: In this case, it is recommended to review the liver function.. Read More

I felt itching in the first two days, so I scratched it, and then there was red and brown

Problem description: I felt itching two days ago, so I scratched it, and then there were red and tan dots. On the neck and belly, as well as the inner thighs. May I ask what is this? Now I sometimes feel itching on my body. Question date:2021-05-05 Patient information:Age: 20 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: Hello, I am your doctor. How long has it been? Any previous medical historyGuidelines: Have.. Read More