Problem description: Doctor, my daughter had a fever and was in a coma twice. When I went to the hospital to check the doctor and asked the doctor to use anti-acupuncture needles when she had a fever, our doctor didn’t know. May I ask what medicine is used to prevent acupuncture needles?
Question date:2020-09-23
Patient information:Age: 4 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: Hello, generally when the child has a fever, attention should be paid to reduce the fever and prevent convulsions. If convulsions occur, you can use lumina or phenagen, which is anticonvulsant.
Guide and suggestion: It is recommended to pay close attention to the baby’s condition at ordinary times, and actively treat it to prevent convulsions in case of fever.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection