Let me talk about my thoughts on the video account.

Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “where the black eyed peas writes “(ID: heiyandoudou2016) , of: black eye Peas where to write.

This article mainly discusses the following issues:

1. Thinking about why WeChat has a video account?

2. Think about the differences between the video account and the official account, Moments, Moments video and story;

3. What are the opportunities and advantages of the video account? Possible play? Phased planning;

4. Video number and Douyin, The difference between fast hands and why you choose 6:7 size Choose Douyin single-column full-screen design?

5. Disassemble the past actions of the video number;

6. What are the current problems with the video number?

7. Possible solutions for the video number;

1. Why does WeChat use the video account?

As for why WeChat is a video account, I have read many articles and communicated with friends before.

Some people say that it is because the short video of Shake fast takes a lot of time from users, and the duration of WeChat has been robbed. I hope that the video account will grab the time and fight against Shake fast;

Some people also said that WeChat focused on graphic content in the early days, and short videos were lacking. Now I want toTo complete the short video section;

Some people said that it was because the “Moment Video” that Zhang Xiaolong placed high hopes completely failed, and they had to seek new portals and platforms to host short videos;

Some people even say that Tencent’s micro-vision, which has invested a lot of resources, has not seen any signs of catching up with Shake Kuai, and can only rely on WeChat to continue to seize the market on the short video track.

I personally think that these are correct phenomena, but they are not the most essential reason.

The WeChat team has always been very restrained. It is the starting point for all WeChat to solve the needs of users themselves and what value they provide to users.

That thought:

What is WeChat?

What problem is WeChat solving, and what problem has WeChat been helping people solve in the past 9 years?

WeChat’s video account, is it better to help WeChat at this stage to solve the problem?

Tencent’s two core capabilities in the early days are “traffic” and “capital”; traffic refers to “social traffic” and has a steady flow of traffic pools, rather than requiring external purchases of traffic like other companies.

In the Internet age, social networking has become the “moat” for user retention, and having users means traffic. In the future, the private domain traffic of the entire Chinese Internet may be in the hands of Tencent.

For Tencent, whether microvision can be made is secondary. Short videos are a very wide track with a high ceiling, which has important strategic significance and good business prospects.

If short videos can be combined with social interactions, then giving full play to social advantages is the absolute core.

If Douyin and Kuaishou currently have the slightest tendency to socialize with acquaintances, Tencent is definitely not just the current billions of people in the micro-vision.

(Although Douyin and Kuaishou have been experimenting with a series of social functions such as Snapshot, Diary, Story, and Friends, Crazy recommending friends to you every day, I would rather try and make mistakes than miss it.)

Tencent’s life is the social relationship chain. WeChat first said it was a a communication communication tool, but in fact it’s “building a QQ, communication Record-based social relationship chain”.

Recall several things that WeChat has done from its birth to now:

First: Establish a friend relationship in the address book;

Second: Establish organizational relationships;

Third: Establish a following relationship;

The corresponding representative products are friends (moments of friends), groups, and official accounts;

Currently, the video account is the fourth one to build a WeChat account system.

Although the official account enables creators and users to establish a subscription relationship to some extent, creators only need to resolve the two-way match between content and users, but the relationship between creators and users is relatively weak.

The connection between users and creators that the video account needs to solve, and how to build an ecological cycle around “creator-content-user” and let it run healthy.

One is a weak relationship and the other is a strong relationship.

Now that WeChat is a video account, the most original goal is to inherit what WeChat has been doing for the past 9 years. What is the value of a video account based on this starting point?

In my opinion, there are mainly three aspects.

  • Value to producers: The video account is a platform where everyone can record and create. Compared with the closed social circle of the circle of friends, the video account can expand the circle, the dissemination efficiency is high, and it is better in the WeChat ecosystem Exposure, forming a personal “social business card” that expands the social circle;

  • Value to consumers: Based on the social relationship chain, compared to the past thousands of people’s algorithmic recommendations, based on the WeChat social relationship chain recommendation distribution method, the short video content can be expanded through mutual recommendations between friends The scope of selection brings a new “consumer experience”.

  • The value of the video account to WeChat: a large user base, a strong social relationship chain, connecting more than 1.2 billion WeChat monthly active users, continuing to interact with users, maintaining and continuously active existing relationship chains, and helping Users establish and expand new relationship chains.

As the video account team said:

“After having a video account, the official account, friendsThe circle is no longer a tool, but an ecology, like water, electricity, and gas in life. Short video + live broadcast = the most natural way of expression. “

Video number team

Conclusion: The value of the video account to WeChat is “continuously making contributions of different latitudes for the active WeChat relationship chain.”

Second, think about the difference between the video account and the official account, Moments, moment video and story

1. The difference between the video account and the official account is mainly due to the difference in “production threshold” and “content”.

The video account is a platform where everyone can record and create. The threshold of the official account is higher. It is almost impossible for everyone to write articles every day.

I have also communicated with Kuaishou PM before. He believes that learning to speak, write, and draw requires long-term training, and it also requires training to restore 3D information from 2D images. People’s “perception” of video is more natural, and it’s easier to click the capture button.

And for one billion people, it’s not easy for everyone to post text, but posting photos is something everyone can do. The production and cost of video is lower than that of graphics.

In addition, the official account used to focus mainly on graphic content, while the video account focused more on the field of short video content.

2. The difference between the video account and the circle of friends, I have been thinking about it for a long time before, and it is the same carrier that everyone can create, and they are all independent individuals. What is the difference? What kind of content will be posted on the video account, and what kind of content will be posted on Moments?

From the relationship chain: Moments corresponds to the friendship chain, which is a closed social; the video number corresponds to the fully open relationship chain. I personally think that this is the difference in the dimension of the relationship chain between the video account and Moments. (QQ space and Small world is similar in relationship)

From the perspective of the producer: Moments of friends should be able to be posted without quality and good or bad, and the video number should have a certain threshold; a strong relationship and a weak relationship.

The Moments itself cannot carry entertainment, or entertainment is not strong because it is a strong relationship. We see Moments not because of content, but because of social relationships and people themselves.

(For example, the difference between the video number and Moments is similar to the difference between Douyin/Kaishou and Moments. For KOLs on Tikkuai, they have both their own Moments and Fan accounts. 😉

From the perspective of consumers: The consumption of video content by video account is not limited to the daily record of the circle of friends, and the selection of short video content is expanded through mutual recommendation between friends.

3.18 “Moment Video” failed. I personally think that you can see your video to a large extent as your friend. After verification, it did not give more help to the continued activity of the relationship chain.

“Moment Video” is more social, but does not expand the circle, and does not expand the social relationship outside of your friends. In essence, it still consumes existing social relationships.

The biggest difference between the video number and the moment video is that it can expand the circle, break through the restrictions of the circle of friends, and realize public dissemination.

In addition, all “story” models in China face the same problem, “The content produced by ordinary users is not interesting, the content is not viewable, and it is difficult to obtain positive feedback from non-close users.”

About story thinking, I will write a separate follow-up, this article will not be expanded.

3. What are the opportunities and advantages of the video number? Possible play? In general, what steps can be divided into phase planning?

1. What are the opportunities and advantages of the video account?

From the perspective of user volume and duration alone, Douyin and Kuaishou have an absolute advantage in the field of short video content platforms.

Low-threshold authoring tools, fast machine review efficiency, and accurate recommendation algorithms are behind a complete set of industrialized production systems, which enable Shaoxing to have established strong scale advantages and algorithm advantages on the supply side, operation side, and user side.

In the short term, it is difficult for the third short video application to compete with Shake fast in China.

If other competitors want to squeeze into the short video track, they must attack from the bottom up, or they must have strong combat effectiveness, or they will invest huge resources, otherwise it will be difficult to break through the short video track.

In the second half of the Internet, it is not a trick or an idea to control the enemy. It is compared to the battle of “efficiency” and “industrial system”, which is often ignored by most people.

But Douyin and Kuaishou are dealing with WeChat, which has 1.2 billion monthly livelihoods, and is based on social relationships. That’s another topic.

That thinking

What are the opportunities for WeChat to be a video account?

In general, what are the steps of phased planning?

What is the difference between the video number and Moments?

1. There are opportunities for WeChat to be a video account

Internal opportunity:

1) Social relationship chain: a unique social advantage,The “acquaintance social relationship chain” which is stronger than Douyin and Kuaishou is expected to form an acquaintance-Semi-acquaintance to Strangers’ “full public social network” and building a “full relationship chain content community”.

2) Unique recommended distribution mechanism: “社Intersection level recommendation” and “Personalized recommendation” “Equal emphasis, a new distribution model based on acquaintances’ social + algorithm recommendations;

3) Official account bonus: The official account provides the underlying data support for the video account recommendation algorithm and provides early content supply issues;

Summary: “Social Gene” + “Social Circle Recommendations & Personalized Recommendations” + “Fully Public Social Network”.

The specific development, the social relationship will not be repeated in this article, but will focus on the recommended distribution mechanism and the official account.

Recommended distribution mechanism:

As the amount of content increases and technology upgrades, the methods of content distribution and information distribution are also constantly changing.

From the earliest information portal represented by Sina to Baidu as the representative search engine, to WeiboAs a representative based on social media distribution, and then to a personalized algorithm recommendation represented by Shake Kuai, it has been brought into full play.

The advantage of algorithm recommendation lies in the diversity and personalization of recommendation, which increases the user’s online time. If used well, it can greatly increase user stickiness.

But the drawbacks of algorithm recommendation are also obvious, limiting users’ choices. For users, there may be two kinds of impact: the first is addiction and time is empty; the second is the “information cocoon room” that everyone often calls.

In the short video content ecology, the information cocoon effect created by the recommendation algorithm for users will aggravate the vertical differentiation of short video content, and ultimately the entire short video platform will form a highly homogeneous value orientation.

Therefore, in the early days of Douyin, the most popular ones were the face-valued younger brothers and sisters. What topic appeared in Douyin was easy to be popular. Everyone rushed to imitate similar videos, which caused “aesthetic fatigue” in the long run.

Zhang Xiaolong has always firmly believed in the value of social recommendations for content distribution. He believes that obtaining information through social recommendations is the most humane, because in reality, most situations are obtained by hearing the recommendations of people around him.

If the essence of “Take a Look” is based on social recommendation, it expands the range of people’s choices through mutual recommendation between friends; then the nature of the video number is actually based on social recommendation, and the content of short videos is expanded through mutual recommendation by friends Choose the scope and further strengthen the value of social recommendation.

Compared with passively receiving content in the past and relying on algorithmic feeding, the video account uses algorithms to achieve personalized recommendations to improve content circulation efficiency. At the same time, it uses social recommendations to ensure the consistency of specific circle tastes, and uses social recommendations to make up for it. The algorithm recommendation is insufficient.

WeChat public account:

In addition to being an instant messaging tool, WeChat is also a media information publishing platform. In 2012, the WeChat official account was officially launched. According to statistics, as of Q1 of 2019, the number of WeChat official accounts has exceeded 30 million.

Video number is solving content supply in the early daysThe problem is that due to the attempts of many official account creators to switch to video accounts, most of the early producers of video accounts are the main body of WeChat official accounts, allowing them to overcome the early content production bottleneck.

In addition, the official account provides the underlying data for the video number recommendation algorithm.

After 8 years of development, the official account platform has gathered a wealth of content categories, including information, entertainment, emotion, funny anecdotes, education, technology, finance, and fashion. Behind the subdivided content categories are various Interests and preferences of user circles.

External opportunities:

1. Shaking fast-content vertical development differentiation

Tik Tok: Top quality content occupies most of the traffic, leading to a large gap between rich and poor in content ecology;

Kaishou: The underlying values ​​and decentralized distribution system strengthen the social attributes of Kuaishou, leading to higher personal settings than content, forming a content community with higher barriers, which is not conducive to the further expansion of user content;

According to data from the Zhikrypton Research Institute, the overlap between Kuaishou and Douyin users reached 47% in May 2019. At present, both Douyin and Kuaishou are communities with heavy entertainment attributes. Take Douyin as an example. Funny, handsome, celebrities, and beauties are popular among its platform users. Photography teaching, workplace education, office software, The development of knowledge information is slow.

Almost all MCN organizations sign KOLs for commercialization purposes. If the traffic obtained by KOLs cannot cover the operating costs invested and the ROI is negative, the corresponding KOLs will be eliminated and the organization will be eliminated.

Therefore, MCN organizations often sign strong KOLs to increase the probability of getting popular and obtain more efficient traffic, ultimately for the purpose of monetization.

This is why most of the most popular TikTok recommendations are popular vertical categories such as funny, online celebrity beauties, celebrities, handsome guys, beauties, and cars. Other vertical categories have not developed well enough.

The content category that cannot be covered by Doukuai also has the value of content consumption.

2.UGC has not really risen yet

About the value of short videos and the inclusiveness of information, Su Hua and Zhang Nan have both publicly expressed their views before:

“Compared with text and pictures, short video format is more inclusive, lowering the threshold of information exchange and sharing. You don’t need to be literate or form opinions. You can take photos with a smartphone, which truly realizes the possibility of participation by all people.” ——Su Hua

” Douyin is actually a tool, it isA tool to help users convey information. What short videos and Douyin bring is a significant reduction in the threshold of video creation and distribution, a faster flow and connection of information, and a value of inclusive information. “—Zhang Nan

From the speeches of Su Hua and Zhang Nan, we can see that the ambitions of Douyin and Kuaishou are not only to be content consumption platforms, but also to replace the hardware on mobile phones. Become a basic tool for information recording, storage, and transmission, which is a more low-level and universal rigid demand.

And instant messaging and social networking are more universal and low-level rigid needs than content consumption. If you want to combine “instant messaging” + “social” + “information recording, storage, and delivery”, it will have a super network effect and scale effect.

Douyin 600 million dau, but not many producers are willing to continue to publish videos. WeChat’s value is to let “every individual has its own brand”, and low-threshold video accounts are suitable for everyone.

Imagine if there are 1 billion WeChat users who are willing to share and record their creations publicly, with 1 billion creators, what would it be like?

It’s only four or five years for short videos to date, and there will be great potential for development in the future.

For example, UGC has not really risen due to tools. Once UGC starts to rise, it will become the world’s largest short video social network platform.

2. How many steps can be roughly divided into the stage planning of the video number?

Returning to the business itself, different businesses have different ways of playing at different stages. That person thinks that the current video number planning mainly includes two pieces:

The first stage: solve the consumption problem and increase users’ willingness to consume;

The second stage: On the basis of solving users’ willingness to consume, increase the willingness of ordinary users to produce and form a positive cycle of production and consumption.

Four. The difference between the video number, Douyin and Kuaishou, and why the 6:7 size is chosen for the video number?

1. Product positioning & value differences:

Recording life VS recording good life VS recording real life

Quality content VS emphasizes fairness and inclusiveness VSEach individual has its own brand

Slogan is often the embodiment of the company’s product value orientation. First, we will briefly introduce Douyin and Kuaishou slogan;

Kaishou’s slogan has experienced evolution from “recording the world and recording you” to “seeing every life” and then “embrace every life”; Douyin’s slogan has experienced “letting worship start from here” to “recording beautiful “Life” changes; the slogan of the video number is “Record real life”.

(Evolution of Douyin, Kuaishou, and video number slogan)

The core difference between the two products of Shake Kuai is mainly due to the difference between the two [underlying values] and [product positioning].

Su Hua once said that he believes that the most important thing in Kuaishou is to record, and to record all aspects of life through the perspective of ordinary people. The second is inclusiveness.

Inclusiveness is to let everyone have the same ability to keep their own records. He will not be judged because of his tall, short, fat, thin, poor, rich, beautiful and ugly, hoping to give users equal treatment.

Due to the difference in values ​​and product positioning, the top-level design of the product is determined: the value of the product (what needs to serve the user), and the value (product design, content distribution strategy, operation strategy), functional design (the starting point of all designs) It is the bottom value of the product), content distribution model, commercialization model, etc. present different development paths and differences.

One emphasizes “beautifulness” vs. the other emphasizes “truth”, resulting in the difference between the “content distribution algorithm logic”, the “product form difference”, and the “community operation philosophy” of the two;

One emphasizes content quality, one emphasizes inclusiveness and fairness; one emphasizes operation, another ignores operation, one chooses single-column up and down immersion, and the other chooses double-column waterfall;

These differences have created different “community content ecology”, “different creator ecology”, “different user minds and sense of belonging”, and “different live broadcast ecology” between Douyin and Kuaishou.


Douyin focuses on “beauty”. Compared with Kuaishou’s people, Douyin pays more attention to content.

Douyin screens out and continuously amplifies high-quality content. The adapted product form is a single-column full-screen immersion, which optimizes user content consumption experience and leads to a high growth of users and duration.

The content distribution mechanism is advantageousQuality content and capable head content creators, the distribution of community traffic is relatively centralized.

Low fault tolerance and more consumer-friendly.

Douyin focuses more on the connection between content and people, and its social attributes are relatively weak, and its attributes tend to be platforms with controllable traffic public domains.

Kaishou emphasizes authenticity and inclusiveness, decentralization, content distribution purpose allows everyone to be seen, lowers the psychological threshold of users’ creation, and is more friendly to producers;

The adapted product form is dual-row selection, semi-active acquisition, high fault tolerance, and the introduction of the “Gini coefficient” concept to regulate traffic distribution, which is suitable for long tail content.

Kaishou pays more attention to the connection between people and has stronger social attributes. However, the public domain traffic controlled by the platform is not much, and it is more suitable for private domain traffic precipitation.

The slogan who watched the video number back then was “recording real life”, more inclined to “life precipitation”, using pictures or videos to record their own lives, a bit biased towards the earliest slogan of Kuaishou.

WeChat has always adhered to the value of “Let every individual have his own brand.” Video accounts will pay more attention to original, personalized, and individual value content, which is decentralized and has a lower threshold.

Compared with the advantages of Douyin and Kuaishou algorithms, the core advantage of video accounts is a recommendation mechanism based on acquaintances’ social + algorithm. Social recommendation is used to make up for the lack of algorithm recommendation and build a new content ecology.

About the differences between Douyin, Kuaishou, and video numbers, I used a table to sort it out.

(Part of the data comes from Orient Securities)

2. Thinking about Douyin Kuaishou, choose 9:16 size,Why choose 6:7 size for video number?

The above-mentioned differences in values ​​of Shake Kuai video account, how do these differences reflect in product form?

Tiktok and Kuaishou vertical screen videos are designed with an aspect ratio of 9:16. Such videos are full screen, no black borders, good compatibility, and the best consumer experience.

The vertical screen size of the video number is 6:7. The consequence of this design is that if the video is smaller than 6:7, the top and bottom will be filled with black background, and the top and bottom will be cropped if it is larger than this ratio.

For KOLs of Shake Kuai, if they want to publish a video on the video account, the video must be cut or re-edited, but it will increase the publishing threshold. Why is the video account designed to interact with the current big card?

Try to disassemble the logic involved: back to the beginning of the article, the reason for the purpose of WeChat as a video account is to think about the “social relationship chain.”

Then I think there are two main reasons:

1) Help users consume videos while enhancing the relationship chain and establishing user mindsets for social relationships;

The size of the video number is 6:7. Compared with the fast shaking, the video screen is smaller, and the upper and lower blank interface of the video is more compatible with the video and text.

At first sight, the focus of users may not only be on the video, but may be a certain friend under the comment, which weakens the content itself, wants to see what the friend likes, and cultivates the user’s mind is to see friends What is the like content.

2) Increase the interactive connection between users and creators

If you carefully observe the video number, Douyin, and Kuaishou, the most intuitive experience is that in addition to the video content, it highlights the video’s title, geographic location, and video tags. The video has more information.

Moreover, in some videos, the title and related information of the video occupy 1/3 of the screen. The purpose of this design is to try to help users and creators establish a relationship and form a connection.

3. Why choose single-column semi-immersive video number instead of Douyin single-column full-screen design?

(Interaction differences between Kuaishou, Douyin, and video numbers)

The Douyin is a single row, full-screen immersive up and down interaction without brain, which is conducive to killing time and increasing user time. The purpose of the design is to achieve the ultimate consumer experience, focusing on creating “immersion.”

I don’t need you to take the initiative to find the content. I will help you screen and select high-quality works, so you can just look at it.

Kaishou is a two-column design. In terms of interaction, users need to guide users to click, follow, comment, form fan accumulation, and then go back to content creators. In addition to watching content, “guided comments” is the core of Kuaishou. Interactive behavior.

If you don’t like the video, you can choose another one you like.

The video number currently has a single-column design, unlike the full-screen vibrato design, and did not choose a fast-handed dual-column design with high fault tolerance. Instead, choose the semi-immersive style that does not look very beautiful at the moment? what is the reason?

First of all, the video account will not use Douyin content to defeat Douyin, nor will it surpass Kuaishou in a fast-handed way. The video account is not meant to kill time from the moment it is launched, but is based on the social relationship chain.

Although Kuaishou Shuanglin Waterfall Stream is highly fault-tolerant, the video number is currently mainly social recommendation. Users may not have the willingness to consume after consuming the content liked by friends. This problem will be more obvious if the dual-line design is more consumer friendly. weaker.

In addition, the high fault tolerance is not only a form of fast-hand double listing. The core of the video number is social recommendation. Even if the content liked by a friend does not like it, because it is recommended by a friend, it can only be said that the interest of the friend is different because of social The existence of the relationship has higher fault tolerance.

Five. Disassemble the past actions of the video number

The core users of video accounts are divided into two categories: content producers + content consumers. Of course, users may switch at any time, and they may be producers and consumers;

Whether it is Shake Kuai or video number, the main things to be solved when disassembling content community products are the following three things:

1. Producer: Continue to help content producers produce high-quality content;

2. Consumers: continue to help content consumers to obtain content that suits them more efficiently;

3. Platform: Connect production and consumption: Help content producers and content consumers to form an effective interaction, form a better sense of accomplishment, and form a connection.

Revolve around the above three points, what we have done to disassemble the video number from the past to the present

1. Production: Production mainly solves the problems of production tools and production willingness; how to lower the threshold for user release requires low-threshold creative tools.

Look back and look at WeChat’s series of actions on the production side: acquiring vue and launching the second clip;(Guess: I may have built production tools internally for a period of time, but there is a gap with Shake Kuai (Cut Ying, Kuai Ying), and the gap cannot be caught up in one or two months. The acquisition of Vue is more profitable than internally. )

2. Consumption: The essence of consumption is “open source”. Without disturbing users, try to allow users to access the video account as much as possible;

The situation that Kuaishou faced when working on “story” was very similar to the situation encountered by Facebook, including WeChat’s “dynamic video”. The main reason was that it encountered big consumption problems, which in turn hit production. The solution is to make more User consumption.

The prerequisite for the video to be consumed must be visible. There must be an entrance. The video number is in the second position on the discovery page, second only to “Circle of Friends”.

Recently, several version iterations have been made, which can be shared to Moments of Friends, Official Accounts, and chat scenes, so that the video account can be seen, gaining better exposure in the WeChat ecosystem, and expanding communication efficiency.

Including the recent addition of a series of actions that help to open up public domain traffic: public account graphics and text can be inserted into the video number dynamic card, the Moments of friends has added topic tags, and the video number can be searched during search, all for enhancement consumption.

3. Interaction: Content consumers are also secondary disseminators.

Incorporate friends’ likes into the spread page, you can see the content that your friends like, and the content you like will be seen by your friends. In addition, the video content also supports one-click follow, like and favorites.

Summarize what the video account has done in the past: producing content, consuming content, allowing producers and consumers to interact effectively, and adding secondary dissemination.

Six. Current problems with the video number:

If you only look at the status quo of video numbers, there are various problems in every link from production, consumption, to interaction.

But I think the most essential problem is “the video number hasn’t helped users to form a perception of the scene.” The biggest problem encountered is the consumption problem.

The following is a detailed description of some issues of consumption:

1. The video number has not yet helped users to form awareness of the scene;

Unlike Doukuai, which are all independent apps, the video account is currently an “entry” in the WeChat “discover tab”, although its status is second only to the circle of friends;

In order to solve the problem of user consumption, WeChat also gave up the previous restraint, little red dot, strongly reminds various interactive designs that enhance clicks, The video number is more and more obvious, but if it can solve the user’s consumption problem, it will not hurt during the cold start;

Before the video account has formed its own value and mind, the direct source of traffic and the circle of friends, in order to better allow users to contact the video number, the style of the video number entrance, and the strong reminder of the red dot and circle of friends design, It’s almost the same.

Behind this design, the guess is that the video account team uses the social consumption scene and mind of the Moments portal to pass it on to the video account.

Moments of friends are when friends post new news, and there will be strong reminders at the entrance; while friends on the video account who have liked new content, there will also be strong reminders at the entrance.

From time to time you open your friends circle to see which friends have posted updates, to the video number, to see what video my friend just saw, and I also go to see the mental building.

If there is no “video number”, most people will not see any difference between the two, and it will be even more interesting one day to switch the positions of “video number” and “Circle of Friends”.

Although it seems that the video account team has designed it very cleverly, it is far from enough to migrate the mind and use of Moments users to the video account by only relying on entrance and style guidance.

Regarding the thinking about WeChat entrance, WeChat PM gnawed the cake once said:

There are two types of entrances in WeChat, one is centralized, and the other is decentralized. The centralized entrance is mainly to find those fixed entrances in the tab, and the decentralized entrance mainly refers to the messages flowing in the chat and the circle of friends and the official account articles.

For a deeper understanding, entrances can be divided into two categories, one is called places and the other is called scenes. A place is a location, and a scene is a place where people have scenes. Adding a fixed entrance to the discovery is just a place and cannot be used by users, so it is not a scene yet.

To turn a place into a scene, you need to do a lot of things, be attractive, and let users come back when they come, otherwise, it’s just a place that comes and goes, and it’s even worse than a toilet.

There are already some mature scenes in WeChat, such as official accounts, chat, and Moments. Taking a place to build a scene will not be more advantageous than using mature scenes.