The application was also temporarily disabled. In 2018, the DeepMind medical division of Streams was spun off and merged with Google’s health department, and commercialization is still at a very early stage.

DeepMind Another promising commercial project is the use of artificial intelligence for the diagnosis of eye diseases.

After extensive data training, DeepMind can analyze the optical coherence tomography (OCT) image of the eye and give glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration within 30 seconds. The diagnosis of complex eye diseases, and the accuracy rate reached 94%, surpassing the human doctor.

▲ Analyze the OCT image of the eye. Image from: DeepMind

Ai Faner has reported this breakthrough. Currently, this three-dimensional OCT image can be read by only a few ophthalmologists. Understand, and very time consuming, DeepMind’s research results have been published in the journal Nature Medicine, and if it can be used in Linchuan diagnosis, it will create great commercial value.

So, for a huge loss, DeepMind doesn’t seem to worry.