One jump and one jump on the belly

Women’s body will change a lot after pregnancy. For the mother who is pregnant for the first time, she doesn’t have much experience. In the second trimester, she will notice her belly jumping. If you jump, you will be surprised, and you don’t know why, so what is going on with the jump of the pregnant belly, let’s briefly understand.

There are some mothers who are thinner, have tighter skin, and are very sensitive. They will feel their stomachs jumping. If you haven’t encountered such a situation before, you will be more worried. In fact, this kind of situation does not need to worry too much, because the baby also needs to move in the stomach. The surface of the stomach jumps and jumps, indicating that the baby is hiccups, because the hiccups of the fetus are somewhat different from the hiccups of normal people. The living space is relatively small, so Mommy will feel her belly jump.

We all know that when the baby is in the mother’s stomach, nutrition needs to be transported through the umbilical cord, and the baby does not need to open his mouth to eat. But after 28 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus learns to drink amniotic fluid, mainly to exercise breathing, but when the baby drinks amniotic fluid faster, it will cause the baby to hiccup.

So there is no need to be too surprised when Bao Ma’s belly jumps. The baby is hiccuping, and the hiccups of the baby are relatively regular, and the intensity of the hiccups is different. The baby’s development is normal and there is no need to worry too much.