Can you eat sushi

Sushi, a food that has spread from Japan to the country, has a unique taste and pleasing method that has been loved by a considerable number of people. Can you still eat sushi overnight?

To be precise, it is not recommended to eat overnight sushi. Because under normal circumstances, sushi is made of many materials, such as meat, vegetables, seafood, etc., various ingredients, and some ingredients may undergo qualitative changes after being placed for a period of time, and then they will be in the ingredients. A large amount of nitrite is produced, and this nitrite is originally a carcinogen. A large amount of intake of the human body can cause cancerous tissues. This is one of them.

The second is that most of the ingredients will produce a large number of bacteria after overnight. The bacteria multiply in the ingredients and destroy the original tissue structure of the ingredients. After eating, it will break the balance of the advocating flora in the human intestines, and severely cause abdominal pain, diarrhea and so on.

Of course, if you have a refrigerator at home, you can put the sushi in the refrigerator to reduce the rate of spoilage of the ingredients, although it is preserved for one night, the taste and nutrition The value is not as good as fresh sushi, but it is still edible. Remember that the sushi after refrigeration must not be heated twice, as the second heating will directly destroy the tissue structure of the ingredients, and even directly cause abdominal pain and diarrhea.