Spoken fragrant is a term coined in the Internet age.

The word seems to come from the fourth part of JOJO’s Bizarre Adventure series. The ACT3 of Hiroaki Kangichi will say the word “S.H.I.T” word by word when it encounters difficulties. Then the fanatics of the series began to replace the monks with S.H.I.T, perhaps because the word was blocked by the sensitive word system and later became “spoken and fragrant.”

Non-friendly microblogging in the rice circle, the death loyalty forum in the sports competition, the game battle scene, everyone may be “spoken and fragrant.” As a world-renowned online game and digital media service platform, Xbox Live has never lacked the “spoof”.

Now, Microsoft finally decided to active attack. They found that it was not enough to deal with bad behaviors afterwards. They decided to take a more proactive approach to shielding sensitive content – message filters. This filter supports filtering in 21 languages. It not only blocks the feature “National” but also filters it in “Friendly, Medium, Adult, Unfiltered”.

The highest level of filters is turned on by default for all underage gamers, and it will do its best to block offensive language; medium filters allow some friendly spam, and will also be defensively shielded from attack and Discriminatory language; adult filters are much more tolerant and only block those languages ​​that have always been more aggressive.

▲ Content Blocking Display

Of course, after choosing the filter that you feel is suitable for your use, you can also be friends and specialDifferent people make different settings. Regardless of whether you hate a certain player and open a “friendly” filter for him, or always play with friends when you play, you are free to choose and not filter, you have a higher degree of freedom.

Parents can also manage different levels of filters through Microsoft’s home settings, which is supported in Xbox One, Xbox Game Bar, and Xbox apps for Windows 10, iOS, and Android.

The current filter is still in internal testing< /a>, but Microsoft has plans to roll out this new tool to all users later this fall.

Dave McCarthy, head of Microsoft’s Xbox business, said that context is a very important factor in games. If you’re talking about annihilating enemies or fighting in combat games, it’s mostly no problem, but you have to say threatening intimidation in an idyllic game or dressup game.

To this end, Dave McCarthy and the team have been researchingCombine AI and keyword filtering tools to better identify the context of the information context.

▲ Image from: unsplash

Text filtering is just the beginning, and the next plan might be voice filtering. Or further, Microsoft’s goal is to directly perform sensitive word filtering in live games.

After all, there are a lot of people typing in the game, and there are a lot of crazy output when you open the voice. There are a lot of “over-the-bound” content. To this end, Microsoft Research has developed a voice-to-text feature that can be used to transfer audio in real time, and the Xbox department may use this feature in the future.

But this is still in its early stages. Dave McCarthy said, “We are looking for other artificial intelligence technologies to address more voice filtering issues, such as sentiment detection and context detection.”

▲Dave McCarthy

It’s not easy to achieve this, whether it’s technical or privacy. Dave McCarthy is accepting The Verge Interview said that Xbox Live is not a platform for free speech, everyone enjoys a certain degree of freedom in this, but the platform still has certain restrictions.

If we really want to unleash the potential of the industry and let this beautiful medium enter everyone’s life, then there is no room for these inappropriate content.

The title map is from unsplash.