What's going on with calf cramps

Whenever it is summer and autumn, some friends will have some uncomfortable physical symptoms due to the cold weather, and calf cramps are one of them. Older people who do not go in are also prone to such symptoms. Some friends can’t find the cause of calf cramps, so there is always no good way to solve it. So what is going on with calf cramps?

1. There is a great relationship between leg cramps and leg colds, because if you do n’t get warm for a long time, the blood circulation will be bad in the calf area, so the calf is easy to cramp. If you want to prevent and improve this situation, you should add clothing, especially pants, in the summer and autumn. Some young people especially like to wear pants with ankles. In fact, this approach is easy to cause calf cramps.

2. Calcium deficiency can also cause calf cramps, and people will sweat a lot in summer. With sweating, calcium will be lost very seriously. In summer, people are often outdoors. When exposed to sunlight, the symptoms of calcium deficiency will not be particularly obvious, but in autumn this symptom will become obvious, so calf cramps.

3. Sometimes excessive exercise can also cause calf cramps, because after excessive exercise the nerves and muscles of the calf will be in a very excited state, so there will be leg cramps Happening.

Understanding the causes of calf cramps can be improved and prevented according to your own situation. In the early autumn and winter, people must take good measures to keep warm, and do n’t do it every season. Forget calcium supplements, massage the legs after exercise to prevent muscle aches and leg pumpingTendons.