I changed a mobile phone, Samsung’s, it looks pretty. Since last week, I have received a strange call, but every time I hung it up until that day… ……

I came back from the company working overtime and walked home on the night road. This damn phone came again. I took out my phone and answered the phone , “Damn! Don’t call early! Don’t call late! Call from this ghost place! Hello!”

“Cough! Don’t look back! Don’t look back”
< br/> Never know I looked back, a flesh and blood, a humanoid object with incomplete organs on his face, I don’t know if he was a ghost, rushed at me, only two or three meters away from me, I saw that it had no feet !

I knew I must have hit the evil spirit, so I ran to the house quickly, and ran to the door of the house, only to find that the thing had no shadow. The next day, speaking to my colleagues, Zhang Wei said: “You are too tired. What you saw last night was just hallucinations!” I didn’t pay attention.

But I didn’t expect , A month later, it came again, I was almost dead.

After drinking with my friend, it was already two o’clock in the morning. My friend took me to my house and I turned my head down. I went to sleep, the phone in my pocket rang again, and I heard the damn voice when I answered the phone: “Don’t look back!…”

I saw only one The dark shadow pressed me to the bed, “I will replace you!”

I want to yell, but I can’t say anything, so I have to listen to fate.

The next morning, I found myself flirting, and I saw another person telling this story on my computer.