The wind and waves went through all the hardships, and I finally got my driver’s license. Touching my book, the idea of ​​driving is getting stronger and stronger. Although I have just taken the book, I have no experience of driving alone, but I have a certificate. Anyway, my own car can’t drive more than I am.
   My husband also urged me to practice on the road, and said that I spent money and got a copy, so I should no longer think about relying on him as a free driver. Moreover, the car at home has my share, and he cannot be left alone. The honesty of his words has yet to be verified, but it does make sense. My heart tickled. The next day I asked my husband for the key and was ready to drive for a ride. My husband said to help me check the car first.
   As soon as I went out, I felt that someone was always pointing at my car, and some people looked back. I’m wondering, Miss Ben is by no means all over the country, and the mount is also an ordinary car. How can it attract the attention of many people? I can’t help but look at my own car, and I noticed that there is a note on the rear window. Female driver, virgin driver!
  Hehe, her husband’s “check” is really very careful, moved!
   A traffic policeman in front of the roadside instructed me to stop, and I tremblingly wanted to drive the car over, but the car was biased At this time, the flame went out. I looked at him, he looked at me, just looked at each other. Later he came over, saluted me, and asked me to show my driver’s license.
   I hurriedly handed over the new book and smiled flatteringly: “I have a book, I just learned it.” The traffic police looked at me suspiciously, looked at the book, looked at the back window, and returned it to me, Said a sentence: “It’s not easy to drive a car with a handbrake so far with so much difficulty, which is novice, you are a master!”
   Here comes the handbrake! It seems that I can smell the smell of rubber. Oh my God! I said, how did it feel when the car drove so much!
  My husband was heartbroken because I was driving with the handbrake, and asked me why I didn’t look at the dashboard. There was a red circle with an exclamation mark on it. I said that I thought it was to remind the driver to “drive carefully and pay attention to safety”. He said with a cry: God, that’s the handbrake!