A Jian is a basketball fan. Regardless of his homework every week, no matter how busy he is, he has to find time to play basketball with his friends. On this day, A Jian couldn’t rest at home, his hands tickled and he wanted to play again. So he called on the phone to find a match. But his golfers are very busy today, and no one is with him. A Jianxiang, just one person. So he picked up the ball and ran to the stadium alone.

Today’s stadium seems to be particularly deserted, not as crowded as usual. A Jian was bored alone, he was bored, he looked left and right, looking for a companion. Suddenly he saw someone playing on the darkest basketball court in the innermost. That person, A Jian has seen it before. He always plays on the court over there and never participates in their activities. Today, because there is no one, A Jian wants to catch one or the other. So A Jian ran across the ball. “Hey, let’s play together.” The man stopped and looked up at A Jian with a smile. “Today my buddies didn’t come. You can’t play alone, and you can play together. We play halftime ok?” A Jian threw the ball to him. He took the ball and came out of the darkness. Only then did A Jian see his appearance. The man is also tall and thin. With a pair of glasses and thick lenses under the light, he could not see his eyes. “Take off your glasses, how do you fight this?” A Jianxin said straightly. “No. It works. I. Fear. Look. No. See.” The man spoke word by word. A Jian wanted to laugh when he heard it. Anyway, someone fights together, let him be. So the game started on that dim basketball court. A Jian is a basketball genius, the man is not weak, bouncing, shooting, let A Jian admire.

A blue cricket ball, A Jian jumped up and grabbed it, did not expect the ball to bounce on the blue frame, flew out, just hit the man’s head , The man fell to the ground. A Jian quickly ran over. But he stopped halfway through, and he saw a scene that he would never forget in his life: the man’s head was actually hit by the ball, the glasses fell to the distance, and the beaten head was in his body. Beside, the eyes above the head are two deep black holes. The man got up, carried his head, put it gently on his neck, then turned around and smiled at A Jian, and said, “Let’s continue.” As for the future, we don’t know, I only know that from that day on, on the darkest court in the gym, there were two people playing vaguely.