The couple finally bought a loft in the Lange community with the help of their friends. Although they are second-hand houses, they are much cheaper. After all, they don’t need to rent a house outside, and they have their own home. This makes the two who are not generous feel contented and happy! They are happily packing up the house. The decoration of the house is simple, but the basic furniture is complete, and they will be able to live soon. Sporadic light rain fluttered outside the window, and the cool wind traversed the hall. In this still hot early autumn, they also felt very cool!

In the evening, the family had a pleasant meal, his wife was picking up chopsticks, and Jaming teased the children in front of the TV. “Hey~” A low, desolate sigh reached Jamming’s ear. Jaming stopped the movement in his hand and wondered sideways. “Ah~” There was another clear lament. What happened, Jaming was a little surprised. It could not be the sound of the TV, nor could it come from outside the window. The low voice, but he heard so clearly.

“Dad, I heard someone talking!”

“What?” Jaming was surprised, did the child hear it?

“What did you hear?”

“Haha, the people on TV are talking, you Can’t you hear me, my dad was scared by me! Mom, my dad was deceived by me!” The young child showed off his mom to tease his dad! It seemed that he was more attentive, and Jaming calmed down a little.

The night was getting deeper and the family was ready to go to bed. They coaxed the child and went back to their room. After a hard day, the sleepiness gradually struck. When Jamin was about to fall asleep, a lament came to you, “Hey~ who will control me!” Jaming’s mind suddenly became sober. This is the third time he has heard this voice. There’s nothing wrong with it, he awakened his wife in horror. “Have you heard any sound?”

“What sound, don’t bother me, sleepy!” Ming’s disturbing dreams were unpleasant, but Jaming still shook her desperately, “Okay, okay, don’t shake!” The wife got up and prepared to close the window, “Is the person outside the building talking, you can’t hear when you close It’s here!” The night of early autumn was already a little cool. The wife suddenly remembered that the window of the child’s room was not closed, so she got up again and went to the child’s room to look at it. She came quietly to the door and gently opened the door. When the door opened, a ricket figure sitting by the bed came into her eyes, her heart twitched, and she looked at it again, but there was nothing. Only the bright moonlight outside the window shone on the sleeping face of the child The evening wind gently stirred the curtains. “It must have been dazzled by me, and my husband blamed her for disturbing her!” She saw that the child was no different, so she closed the window and left the room.

The first ray of sunshine in the morning shone on the face of the hardworking couple, they started the day againbusy. In the blink of an eye, when they were about to go to bed, they suddenly heard a childish laugh from the next room. The husband and wife were shocked, and the child fell asleep long ago. Who is this laughing with? They rushed to the next room immediately, only to find that there was only one child in the room.