This article is reproduced from “New Weekly (ID: new-weekly) “, author: Ying Bao, title figure: vision China

On July 13, Xinhua News Agency disclosed the phenomenon of “scalping human faces”.

On the e-commerce platform, there are a number of shops that resell illegally obtained facial information and “photo activation tools”. The seller stated that these faces can perform operations such as “blinking, opening mouth, nodding”, etc., and pass facial recognition verification, “a piece of (static)0.5 yuan for face, 35 yuan for photo activation software plus tutorial”.

Meaning that you can “swap your face” with others for only one lunch, and even use this face to open private software on other people’s phones.

This kind of cyber hacking industry is extremely scary to think about–

Human face is unique and lifelong biological information, and it is also an important basis for computer technology to identify identity. Now it can be used by strangers without your knowledge.

Our faces, perhaps lying in the hands of strangers, are being sold out loud. /”Black Mirror” stills