New approach. It has been verified and affirmed, and then it will be carried forward to the next issue; and the feedback is not good enough, either cut it off or change it……

This is actually an “iterative” process. Do it first, then perfect it.

There is nothing, it can be done overnight. Be “good” first, and then work hard to be “better”, and finally make it infinitely close to the “best” in your heart.

3. Questions and ideas

This step is mainly to collect the fragmented ideas generated in the work, and then put them together.

In our lives and work, we are always facing and solving problems, but if these gains are not recorded in time, they will quickly disappear. So next time, when we encounter a similar problem, it will be difficult for us to immediately recall our own experience. Isn’t it a pity?

After all, the brain is for thinking, not for memory.

So, record-summary-review is actually a process of continuously strengthening one’s own experience. In other words, store the information that “may be used” in our “second brain” and call it when needed.

How to do it? Some practical methods will be discussed later.

4. Methodology migration

This is a big step. It essentially integrates the above three steps and thinks about: Is there anything in this project/task that I can extract, summarize it into a methodology, and move it elsewhere?

For example: I have had several meetings, can I sort out a more efficient meeting mode from them, and try it out in future meetings?

To run a community, can you sum up a set of effective guidelines to guide your own practice, or teach it to others?

If you repeat business communication, can you sum up a set of words or experiences to better gain the trust of both parties and improve communication transparency?

And so on.

Actually, many of the methodology I have shared in the article are summarized in this way.

also hope