This article is from WeChat official account:Operation Research Club (ID: U_quan), author: routine editorial department, title figure from: vision China

Two days ago, the video number was updated again.

In this revision, WeChat has launched a new small program-Video Number Promotion:

The backend of the mini program will get a promotion quotation based on the “expected exposure” selected by the operator;

Operators can also customize the promotion crowd, exposure time, promotion goals, and Moments copywriting of the promotion content.

Many people have joked, isn’t this the video version “DOU+”?

Up to now, the video account has been online for more than 200 days, and the large and small revisions have not stopped. This shows that WeChat attaches importance to the video account.

It’s just that the video account’s attention from the outside world is not so high. Many creators are watching, and some are tepid.

However, I recently discovered that some people have secretly made money from the video account, and even earn hundreds of thousands a month.

What are the hidden ways to make money on the video number? How do theyDid it?

1. From a few hundred to hundreds of thousands of daily income, these people are quietly making money on the video account

On the surface, the monetization path of the video account is to hang a connection under the video to attract the public, or find ways to let users watch advertisements or buy things.

However, after a deep survey of the video account bloggers, I found that these people are making money on the video account!

1. E-commerce, “Tao Ke” fancy goods delivery

Where there is traffic, there are “Taoke” and various e-commerce sellers. They are traffic catchers. However, in the current video account, the e-commerce Amoy is just like a fish in water, and they have launched many profitable projects.

① Diversion personal WeChat account sales

For example, when selling “car music USB flash drives”, I found that there are a large number of accounts with a monthly income of tens of thousands.

If you search for “music”, DJ, dance music… or click on a similar hashtag in the video number, you will find similar videos.

The links below are all attached to the “car music USB flash drive”-buy a USB flash drive to get XX hot songs, after clicking open, you will be guided to add the merchant’s WeChat.

The video routine is also very simple and rude: MV or movie clips + background music + a moving copy.

Mv or movie clips can buy dozens of Gs for a few dollars on e-commerce platforms, while “touching copywriting” is even simpler. An industry insider said, “You only need to find hot songs in NetEase Cloud. Use any comments about friendship, love, affection, and life.”

After that, I clicked on the purchase links of a few high-like videos, and found that the number of people who led the stream was quite large. An article on September 8 has more than 8,000 reads so far, and an article on August 11 has reached 13,000 reads.

I added the seller’s WeChat and asked about it. The cheap ones are around 29 and 39 yuan, and some bloggers even sell it for 78 and 98 yuan.

I then searched on the e-commerce platform again, and the lowest price of a similar car USB disk can be reduced to 4 or 5 yuan, and the cost of bulk purchase will only be cheaper.

If you read 5% conversion based on 13,000 readings, you can get 650 orders in one month. Even if you sell them for only 78 yuan, is a profit of 40,000 to 50,000.

② Amoy customers bring goods

In addition to diverted to personal WeChat to bring goods, there are also many “traditional Taoke” delivery modes on the video account.

The so-called traditional Taoke model is simply to help some large e-commerce platforms do distribution. Users click on the link to directly enter the Taobao, Jingdong, and Pinduoduo interfaces to purchase products.

Before, video account Taokers have always faced a dilemma-the video account cannot be directly linked to the product link, only the official account article link, and the user needs to scan the code or click the text link again to enter the purchase interface.

The delivery efficiency of these two routes is not high.

Friends who are familiar with e-commerce should understand that for every additional step in the jump path, the conversion rate will drop by a large margin. The QR code in the official account requires two steps-long press the QR code + confirm the jump, the efficiency of bringing goods will be much lower.

It is not good to attach product jump links directly to public account articles. The most obvious point is that the visual experience of text link jumps is not good.

But this time I found that Taoke has developed a compromise solution to solve this problem: Directly convert the distribution link into an official account article similar to a “commercial detail page” through a small program.

For example, in the following account, it is very interesting to link the copy first, add gesture expressions, and even use the user’s herd mentality to add “6325 people have purchased.”

Then, I clicked on the link below the video and jumped directly to “Business Details”. I took a closer look and found that it was originally a public account article, but the interface and the product details page are very similar. Click the red button and jump directly to the JD applet, the whole process is very smooth.

The account data is also very good. It attracted 15,000 clicks in one month. If you follow the usual 5% conversion rate and 30% distribution commission, you will earn more than 10,000 a month for this product alone.

2. Distribution organization matrix number, “Crazy” video number traffic

In addition to short video delivery, Matrix numbers of various distribution agencies are also attracting money from video numbers.

① Knowledge institutions

Speaking of knowledge matrix numbers, we have to talk about the wild way of “Fan Deng reading”.

I searched for Fan Deng on the video number, and the matrix numbers that appeared were too many to count. I roughly estimated at least 500+. Almost every account is simultaneously distributing the video of Fan Deng’s speech.

Everyone should know that the traffic distribution of video numbers is not completely dependent on the central algorithm like Douyin. It also takes into account your friend relationship, that is, the videos your friends like, and they will most likely appear in your recommendation list. .

This semi-private domain distribution mode is not conducive to the top influencers, and the traffic is more scattered.

But for the organization matrix number, the advantage is huge. This is because the organization’s purpose of making short videos is different from that of internet celebrities. It is not for “redness” but for brand exposure and drainage.

In other words:The distribution of fans is actually not important, as the total number of views is high. Whether it is the main account or matrix number, the users who attract and convert are ultimately institutional.

The way “Fan Deng Reading” is so wild is that they only used a few operators to run hundreds of matrix accounts.

Students who know “Fan Deng Shushu” should know that “Fan Deng Shushu” is actually a “joining company”.

From the provincial, city, district and county levels, to industries and enterprises, “Fan Deng Dushu” has thousands of franchise authorization points across the country( It’s actually a franchise store).

These are free operators of matrix numbers, because in the distribution system of “Fan Deng Shushu”, there are commissions for selling members at authorized points. Acting as a matrix number itself is to attract traffic, so why not do it? ? (Ps. Fandeng Reading App has a video module, you only need to edit the main account and move the matrix number simultaneously)

With the addition of 500+ matrix numbers, the income of “Fan Deng Xueshu” will not be bad. Even if an average account can only attract a few hundred people a month, it adds up to hundreds of thousands of users. Don’t be too cool.

② Course platform “retail distribution”

The so-called “retail distribution”, in simple terms, is distributors take over distribution tasks on the course platform and independently promote account.

For example, Chen Guo, a well-known professor at Fudan University, is very popular on the Internet because of his interesting and philosophical content. On the video account, there are also many accounts that distribute Chen Guo courses.

The operation path of these accounts is similar to that of “Fan Deng Dushu” drainage. First, video grass, and then link to the official account article to guide the purchase.

③ Make money with novel distribution

Fiction distribution is also a common means of making money in video accounts.

In fact, before the opening of the video account, novel distribution was already a relatively mature gameplay in WeChat:

Cooperate with the official account and the novel distribution platform to transform it into an entrance to the book city, and then attract traffic from content platforms such as Douyin and Weibo, and finally induce readers to recharge their krypton gold.

Nowadays, as the traffic of video accounts has grown, novel distribution platforms have begun to diversify traffic from video accounts.

In the process of brushing the video number, many thousands or tens of thousands of likes videos are linked to novels. It can be seen that the profits should be good.

3. Promotion platform fancy monetization

In addition to the above-mentioned routines, there are many bloggers who directly accept tasks from some promotion platforms to make money.

Generally, there are some small programs for constellation, testing, and fortune-telling promotion. The link hangs below the video to attract users to click.

There are also some film and television agencies that will make money using the “ad placement” model.

In simple terms, it means to post some video clips, and then attach a link and copy: Click to view the full video.

When the user clicks on, the platform will insert a 30-second advertisement in the video, and then continue watching the video after watching the advertisement.

But I checked the rankings of these platforms and found that the benefits of these promotion methods can only be said to be better than nothing. The best promotion performance is only a few hundred dollars a day, and even some platforms have only two digits in income starting from the fifth place.

II. Video number: a new outlet for WeChat ecology

Speaking of this, we will find that the current video account has many ways to make money, and most of the ways to monetize are through advertising, promotion and other channels.

But what I want to say is that although the above channels can be realized, the way that the video account can really “catch the gold” is actually hidden under the water-The video number is combined with the “WeChat private domain family bucket” Is really making money.

Why is this? This will start with Tencent’s recent actions.

First of all, Tencent is paying more and more attention to the private domain ecology of WeChat.

A few days ago, Tencent held the “2020 Tencent Global Digital Ecology Conference”. Senior Vice President Tencent Advertising & Tencent Smart Retail Leader Lin Jinghua publicly stated at the conference that Tencent wants to create a “private domain format”, This is Following the mention in the Q2 financial report this year, Tencent once again emphasized “private domain traffic.”

Secondly, from the previous revisions of WeChat, it is not difficult to find that the video account is becoming more and more closely related to the community, circle of friends, and official account.combine together.

Especially in the big revision last month, WeChat has greatly optimized the way of displaying video accounts shared to Moments and communities.

The most important one is the optimization of the video number sharing Moments: From the previous relatively “monotonous” text link form, it has been upgraded to the Moments video form.

Click on the video to play it directly. Click on the video number below the video to directly enter the account homepage to view all TA’s videos.

The big picture of the cover is directly displayed, which obviously improves the eye-catching effect.

At the same time, page jumps are omitted, and the experience of opening videos in Moments is very smooth.

For individuals, it may be just a small problem to click more, but under the scale of hundreds of millions of users, the jump churn rate is a big optimization.

Now WeChat is gradually using the coupling of video account and Moments to digest the time users spend on short videos outside of Moments.

To put it simply: The video account will be one of the largest traffic portals in the WeChat private domain ecosystem in the future.

Finally, the video account will change the marketing chain of the WeChat private domain:

1. New media chain for content creation: Official account (graphic) + video number (Video)+ Personal Marketing Number + Community

2. Product platform chain: App + Mini Program + Official Account Drain + Video Account Drain Official Account + Community

3. E-commerce chain: video number grass + public account retention (reach) + community /Live conversion monetization + personal marketing number

On the whole, the key to making a good video account is not whether the video bursts in the short term or how much revenue is, but whether you have made an overall plan for WeChat marketing to achieve the closed loop of WeChat private domain traffic acquisition and monetization?

Take the operation agency as an example, we already have a mature means of monetization-operation courses.

So we have a very concrete thinking when doing the video account: What is the purpose of our video account?

The most direct purpose is drainage.

What is the purpose of drainage?

We want users to purchase our paid products.

After asking ourselves these two questions, our goal of making a video account will become clear.

3. Conclusion

Today we picked up the various wild ways to make money on the video account.

However, with the character of WeChat Baba, these paths may be blocked soon.

But having said that, some of their ideas are worth learning from, such as shortening the user conversion path as much as possible.

Finally, I still hope that WeChat will have more empowerment actions on video accounts.

This article is from WeChat official account:Operation Research Club (ID: U_quan), author: routine newsroom