Problem description: After masturbation, I found that I couldn’t get hard in the morning. The morning erection was gone the next day, but it disappeared after a while. Then I have not felt or have sexual desire for a few days. I can’t sleep at night and I wake up for a while. I’m sweating in the middle of the night and I’m afraid of cold. Is it impotence?
Question date: 2020-09-09
Patient information: b>Age: Gender:
Problem analysis:Fear of impotence, patients seek medical health consultation services
Guiding suggestions: From the description of the medical history Look, it’s not impotence! It’s just that the erection is not firm after masturbation, and sweating is a manifestation of yin deficiency. It is recommended to reduce masturbation and go to the hospital for treatment of kidney yin deficiency! May you get well soon!
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection