With “true temperament”, how far can Simba go?

Editor’s note: This article from the micro-channel public number “Connection Insight” (ID: lxinsight) , of: Zhong Wei丨Editor: Ye Lili.

The Double Eleven War is being staged. The e-commerce live broadcast is the first to detonate. Wei Ya, Li Jiaqi, and Simba may be the three most representative names of live e-commerce today.

However, when the outside world was discussing the results of Wei Ya and Li Jiaqi with the goods in the past two days, Simba was mentioned in a negative incident.

On October 17, Simba prepared for the Xinxuan fan carnival concert to be held the next day. This concert invited stars such as Wu Yifan, Deng Ziqi, etc. The crowd blocked traffic at the hotel entrance, and then Simba worked with the hotel The staff quarreled, pointed at the nose of the hotel staff, yelled at them, and even “exaggerated.”

On the same day, Wei Ya won a national award, the National Poverty Alleviation Award and Dedication Award. In its Weibo, Wei Ya is wearing a medal on her neck, and the medal is engraved with the national emblem ; Two days later, Li Jiaqi and singer Liu Boxin’s new song “Buy It” was launched. Both of these news appeared in the hot search on Weibo.

As the TOP3 anchors of live e-commerce, Li Jiaqi and Wei Ya, it is difficult not to compare with Simba.

Li Jiaqi, Wei Ya, and Simba are all examples of social class breakthroughs. They come from ordinary people, but they have taken advantage of live broadcast e-commerce to achieve a leap in status and value. For entrepreneurs who are constantly pouring into live broadcast e-commerce, they are all typical representatives worthy of reference.

Besides the similarity, they are actually quite different.

The anchor groups represented by Li Jiaqi and Wei Ya have professional qualities, high-quality images, and a high level of public awareness. The keywords surrounding the two are nothing more than “sincerity” and “effort”.

Simba has an extremely strong atmosphere of the rivers and lakes, and has the vitality of grass-roots barbaric growth. His arena aura is also reflected in the “intimidation” of the brand and the “platform”. However, the sensationalism and anger he showed was interpreted as a kind of “personal design” construction, relying on this “performance” to achieve the effect of attracting fans and solidifying fans.

In the second half of the live broadcast e-commerce, the anchors are no longer limited to being in front of the stage, but going deep into the supply chain and starting their own brands.

Can Simba, who has repeatedly fallen into controversy, go further than Li Jiaqi and Wei Ya?

Professional and performance

Select products from 12 noon to 5 pm every day, and broadcast at 7 pm until the end of the live broadcast in the early morning. After the live broadcast, remove makeup, eat, replay, read industry news, and then go to bed at 4 in the morning.

Such a tight schedule has become Li Jiaqi’s daily work. He once said that he had no life, only work.

In the unknown period, after years of low-key experience, Li Jiaqi has finally gained popularity and status.and wealth , And what he thinks is nothing more than how to continue all this.

2019, the year when live streaming e-commerce broke out, was also the year when Li Jiaqi became a real hit. This year, Li Jiaqi broadcasted 389 live broadcasts in 365 days, each live broadcast for more than 6 hours. The highest record was 189 lipsticks in one night.

He said that e-commerce platforms broadcast at least 10,000 live broadcasts every day. If you are lazy and don’t live broadcast for a day, maybe your fans will be attracted by another 9,999 live broadcasts and won’t come to see you the next day.

There are many vivid stories about Li Jiaqi: He can guess the brand of lipstick blindly by smelling the taste. Because he did too many slogans to test the color, and after eating a spicy bowl, his lips seemed to be cracked. The fans named him “Iron Lip”.

After years of learning and accumulation of beauty sales and professional skills online, Li Jiaqi’s popularity is already the best story model for “Genius comes from hard work”.

Weiya and Li Jiaqi have great similarities. When she was young, Wei Ya had signed a company as a singer, and also opened a women’s clothing store and an online store. Stepping into the field of live e-commerce, for Wei Ya is taking advantage of the trend.

Weiya often appears on hot searches and causes topical discussions because of the ultra-high-priced products such as rockets and real estate in the live broadcast room. For a long time, Wei Ya is expanding the product category of the live broadcast room, and is called “Dora Wei Ya”.

The anchor group represented by Li Jiaqi and Wei Ya has professional live broadcast sales quality, good personal image and high popularity that follows.

It is also the anchor who walked to the top of the pyramid. Simba’s number of rollovers is almost unmatched. This also brings up many controversial questions, including whether Simba is “true temperament” or “acting”?

On June 16, 2020, actor Zhang Yuqi came to Simba’s live broadcast room and offered to pay for it by herself Quick hands ‘s “old iron” made up the difference, and then boarded the hot search. Two months later, Simba said during the live broadcast that Zhang Yuqi was generous, “I paid for the money. You receive Simba’s favor, and you don’t need to receive anyone’s favor.”

Simba claimed that he had subsidized 12 million yuan, but according to the statement issued by Kuaishou, “the total subsidyNo more than 6 million”, and the subsidy is borne by Kuaishou and Simba together.

When Li Jiaqi and Simba got along with the brand side, they all had unpleasantness and showed an emotional side.

Li Jiaqi once said that the brand was no longer cooperating because the brand suddenly “released pigeons” in the middle. However, Simba’s unhappiness is often illogical.

When working with Huawei mobile phones, Simba temporarily asked the brand to send earphones during the live broadcast. Huawei was unwilling, so he coercively encouraged fans to return the products and shouted “Glory Boss”, “I lost 40 million to you I haven’t handed over this brand. I’m sorry I will not hand over.”

Picture source Simba Weibo

Users who have watched Simba’s live broadcast have probably heard him put “true temperament” on their lips.

Recall that when he first came to Kuaishou, he said that he had sent hundreds of thousands of products, “I don’t know why, I just want to give it to everyone.” During a live broadcast, he suddenly reprimanded his apprentice, accusing him of not getting more for the fans. Big benefits. Another time when the live broadcast was about to end, he said that he had done nothing, just “true temperament”.

Watching Simba’s live broadcast, you never know what will happen in the next second. He can talk and get up from his chair emotionally and yell at the screen.

Many people have felt the “crude” way of selling goods in Simba’s live broadcast, questioned its professionalism as an anchor, claimed the lowest price or paid for subsidies, etc., are constantly “performing” users, but this All this does not affect more “old iron” believe in Simba and pay for his “true temperament”.

Li Jiaqi and Wei Ya are outstanding in professional ability and have numerous fans. Simba has repeatedly conflicted with suppliers because of “striving for the lowest price on the entire network”, and relies on “true temperament” to circle fans.

He used “The Farmer’s Son”, “Grassroots Becomes a Tyrant” and other people’s settings, plus playing emotional cards, and often abused fans. In this way, the fan base in its live broadcast room has been stable.

It has to be said that these actions made the topic about him repeatedly out of circles, achieving a “black and red” effect, and the traffic that this brings has further increased the popularity of the live broadcast room.

Simba comes with a completely different faceWhen it comes to the position of the so-called head, his strong personal characteristics make it hard to ignore his existence.

Different ways of survival

According to the normal life path, it may be difficult for Li Jiaqi, Wei Ya and Simba to have any intersection.

Li Jiaqi has liked makeup since he was a child. When he was a child, he went to the photo studio to take pictures and would ask someone to use lipstick to draw a red dot on the eyebrows. More than 20 years later, Li Jiaqi graduated from Nanchang University and entered the beauty and skin care brand

At this time, Wei Ya ran a Taobao women’s clothing store. In order to increase store traffic, Wei Ya changed from a model in her store to Amoy girl.

The fate of the two met in 2016. In March 2016, Taobao Live started trial operation. Three months later, the first live broadcast of Wei Ya’s life began.

This year, L’Oréal, Ali and ONE cooperated to test the water network live broadcast. The “BA Internet Celebrity” project will incubate employees who have received professional training in beauty cosmetics into e-commerce anchors that are more in line with business development expectations. Li Jiaqi is one of them.

Taobao Live has come to the present, and the power of leading anchors such as Li Jiaqi and Wei Ya cannot be ignored. They have brought more users, better data and higher market share to Taobao Live.

Picture source Li Jiaqi Weibo

The image of the anchor represents the platform in a sense. For Simba, this is not the case.

Xin Youzhi named his Kuaishou account “Simba”, which became his most widely known name in the future.

In the movie “The Lion King”, the newly-born lion Simba is lifted up at the Glory Stone to be admired by all people. In the wild African savannah, Simba grew up through many difficulties, but eventually became a new generation of kings.

However, as the anchor Simba is not a free lion. His growth depends on the platform, and every move brought about by “true temperament” may create conflict. Conflict is also the key word in Simba’s growth story.

In April 2020, Simba clashed with Kuaishou anchor Sanda and started a scolding war. After that, Kuaishou warned the anchors involved to stop broadcasting, Simba and Sanda brothers successively announced their temporary withdrawal from the Internet.

After retiring from the Internet, Simba released a video to publicly shout: “Quick hands, I hope you keep your eyes brighter. In most categories, Simba can mobilize the resources of the whole country. Please make good use of my skills. And resources…”

After Simba in the wind and waves, not many people remember the stains of the past. Several bans, Simba may think it is nothing.

In 2014, the Japanese police arrested three Chinese men suspected of reselling diapers. Their behavior violated visa regulations, and it was Simba who hired them. In the end, Simba was imprisoned in a Japanese prison for 63 days.

Picture source Simba Weibo

The returning Simba restarted a career in Kuaishou, but when he started to sell goods on live broadcast, Simba did not have a certain accumulation like Wei Ya and Li Jiaqi.

Weiya and Li Jiaqi rely on their professionalism to gain fans, while Simba relies on “grabbing the list.” ==&mid=2247494723&idx=1&sn=173b7c79fe3873fb57ad403484cfff6e&chksm=fad1cb97cda64281daa7cde0ce9ec6292ef5ec9e67b94d44192dbae8b196401b07c0ea7b8444&scene=21. Gifts, please specify Stars come’s wedding ceremony, which achieved the effect of quickly accumulating fans. It can be said that Xin Ba took a shortcut.

The “farmer’s son”, who has always appeared in the image of a local tyrant, created a personal design. Simba makes money from this personal design, not professionalism.

Nowadays, Simba is full of controversy. Compared with Li Jiaqi being attacked by netizens for improper speech, Wei Ya is considered to be a “show” because of public welfare, Simba is questioned about the fact that his live broadcast room has problems such as swiping orders and high return rates. The nature of these problems is more serious.

Simba’s wife, Chu Ruixue, is the founder of the WeChat business team CBB, but her self-made WeChat beauty and skin care brand ZUZU was once approved.Viewpoint is suspected of MLM.

Anti-counterfeiting expert Wang Hai once accused Simba on Weibo, believing that he exaggerated propaganda, framed his peers, deceived offline, evaded taxes, and fraudulently used his identity.

In 2019, the Simba team announced that it had achieved considerable results. Its annual e-commerce live GMV was 13.3 billion, which accounted for about one-third of Kuaishou’s entire platform last year.

Simba seems to be standing on top of a tall building, but as the problem continues to erupt, can Simba continue to be popular with “performance” and “personal design”?

How far can you go in the future?

Simba, Li Jiaqi, and Wei Ya, they have long been unwilling to be a head anchor. In addition to continuing to compete for the first position, they are also completing their career advancement and identity transformation.

In the second half of 2019, Li Jiaqi was successively interviewed by “People” and “GQ Report”, which aroused great discussion of topics. The resources in mainstream magazines have never been less, from “Sanlian Life Weekly” to ” “Global People” and “China Economic Weekly” etc.

Li Jiaqi became the first person to be out of the circle in the anchor world. Wei Ya has also been on the covers of many magazines, and also came to “Thirteen Invitations” to discuss live sales with Xu Zhiyuan.

In contrast, Simba has hardly received interviews from mainstream media, and the media platforms are more about describing his controversial things.

Li Jiaqi and Wei Ya appear on the cover of the magazine separately

“Oh My God!” As Jiaqi’s catchphrase, it has become a buzzword and has been talked about by users. The actor Guan Xiaotong once appeared in “Ace vs. Ace”. 》 In the show shouting “Buy it! Buy it!”

On July 10th, Li Jiaqi released an agreement with Perfect Diary’s cooperation video, which records the whole process of Li Jiaqi’s participation in product design, puts forward suggestions for revisions, and keeps testing samples.

This type of cooperation has previously appeared more in the cooperation between brands and celebrities, which is a recognition of Li Jiaqi’s global traffic.

Now it is the era of IP-based operations with cargo anchors. In addition to the anchors’ identities, Simba, Li Jiaqi, and Wei Ya all need to go out of the circle and reach a wider circle of users, which will not only spur sales fission The explosion of style can also allow the anchor to obtain more ways to realize.

The frequency of interviews by mainstream media, the number of participation in variety shows, and the number of hot searches, etc., are key factors related to whether an anchor can reach more users. Except for the lively search, Simba lacks other parts.

For the future planning and construction of Simba, he has already favored his own brand and supply chain, which again has a great overlap with Li Jiaqi and Wei Ya.

On September 6, 2018, Li Jiaqi created his own beauty brand called “2+7”, but these brands did not appear in his live broadcast rooms or shops.

Li Jiaqi once said, “I want to open a store like Sephora, and put I recommend All the good products are gathered in this store, and it is also limited for a limited time, 2B and 2C.” At the same time, he also wants to make his own brand, “not an Internet celebrity brand, but a Chinese brand with a global reputation.”

Weiya began to develop the supply chain business. The “super supply chain platform” built by Wei Ya’s parent company and its husband Dong Haifeng has taken shape in Hangzhou, and it is recruiting brands including beauty, food, clothing, accessories, shoes and bags to enter the supply chain. base.

Simba has also reduced the number of live broadcasts, and has made a lot of effort in self-branding, building supply chains, and incubating anchors.

Simba Yanxuan was established in 2017, similar to Netease Yanxuan, which belongs to the ODM (Original Design Manufacturer) model. It focuses on low prices and sells products to young audiences in third- and fourth-tier cities. Simba is carefully selected and many of its products are Simba’s own brands.

Xin Xuan live broadcast base

“Xinxuan” divides the business into two parts: supply chain and Front-end network red hatch.

The former provides cost-effective self-operated brands and in-depth services with high-quality brands in the category; while the latter is to build an anchor matrix. In 2020, it is planned to incubate 30 leading anchors, first in different vertical categories After making a benchmark, copy it again.

However, whether it is Li Jiaqi, Wei Ya, or Simba, they have only taken the first step in expanding their businesses, and many businesses are still in the mature stage.

But the obstacles facing Simba are already very obvious.

Before, Xin Xuan’s product design has been questioned to imitate big names, and product quality has also encountered many complaints. It is still unknown whether Xinxuan, which refers to Netease’s strict selection model, can avoid the pits it has gone through in intellectual property rights and supply chain costs.

The trend of live e-commerce is still at that time, how far can Simba of “true temperament” go?

Life is like a play. It depends on acting skills. It depends on how he plays next.