Problem description: I’ve been shaking my head for 6 years. I’ve taken some Chinese medicine to no avail. It’s mainly nervousness, tantrums, hard work, concentration, staying up late, fighting when hungry, and myself in the first two years I can’t feel it in the next few years, but I can’t control it. Is there any medicine that can be controlled? I hope the doctor can recommend a good treatment and medicine. 2020-09-16
Patient information:Age: 39 years old, Gender: Female
Problem analysis: The jitter first considers the anxiety and tension of the patient The relationship between this is a physical sensory abnormality.
Guide suggestion: Patients should not pay too much attention to their symptoms, because sometimes the more attention they are to, the more obvious the symptoms will be.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination