This article is from WeChat official account: Entertainment Hard Candy (ID: yuleyingtang) , Author: Gu Han, from thematic map: “You young ‘stills

Continuous bewildering behaviors, seven or eight hot searches a week, implicitly named by CCTV officials, constant entanglement with the topic character Yu Zheng, and even black material exploding… The 95 most prosperous flowers this year— -Sweet girl Zhao Lusi’s excellent passersby collapsed overnight, and this incident also caused many people to discuss the flow pattern of the domestic entertainment circle again.

85 flowers are bloody and bloody, 90 flowers grow in the cracks, 95 flowers are considered to be a generation that has obtained a lot of resources and marketing, but the performance is always not satisfactory. On the contrary, the people who eat melons continue to sigh and “downgrade” the Huadan who has entertainment.

There is a lack of masterpieces at the public level, and few people at the fan level “forever follow”. 85 flowers have done a lot at this age, but 95 flowers are still regarded as newcomers in your circle, in a pool of muddy water Mixed in. Is there really no such talented actress in China? Or is it that under the current industrial mechanism and market environment, we can only get such actresses?

Why is the gold content of 95 flowers so much lower than that of 85 flowers, and where is the way out?

1. 95 flowers, the composition is really complicated

In the past few years, the entertainment industry has been quickly matured by the Internet and capital. Whether it is a film company or a music company, the layout is getting ahead of schedule. Many newcomers have already owned companies before entering the Chinese Opera, Nortel and other professional colleges, and the players in the idol draft are getting younger year by year. People in their early 20s are feeling that it is too late to debut.

It can be said that by the post-95 generation, few wild amateurs become famous overnight. Those who can be seen by us all have the company’s planning and packaging behind them.

In “Actors, Please Take Your Place 2”, Cao Jun’s (born in 1988) situation makes many people sigh and sigh. But he is not alone in that generation of child stars. Many of the post-80s child stars have grown up to be out of touch with the aesthetics of the times, so that their careers have declined.

But I wonder if you have noticed that the situation of post-95s and post-00s child stars is much better.

Professional teams intervened to manage the image early, and the Internet provided a platform to maintain relationships with fans. They successfully passed the “long-term disability” stage, began to challenge adult roles, and became post-95s and 00s with their relatively prominent nationality. The backbone of post-artists. Guan Xiaotong is the representative of the transformation of children stars in the 95 flowers. Zhang Xueying, Song Zuer and Li Landi also have their own masterpieces.

In addition to child stars, there are also some newcomers who made their appearances based on the high starting point of the movie or the movie circle, such as “star girls” Xu Jiao and Lin Yun, the two light flowers Ren Min and Zhang Ruonan in “Sorrow Against the River”, ” Zhou Ye, the “wicked woman” in “Youth Younger”. Before she starred in the web drama “The Sky of the Wind Dog” in 1999, Zhang Jingyi had already attracted attention with Dongshen’s identity as a newcomer in the future.

TV viewers are slower to accept new faces, but web dramas, which are geared towards young Internet viewers and have a lower cost of trial and error, have given newcomers a channel to make their heads faster.

Regardless of business ability and performance experience, sweet pet actresses have the opportunity to attract fans as long as they have the right image, the personality is pleasing, and the sugar is strong enough. Zhao Lusi and Shen Yue fall into this category. In addition, with Yoko, who overtakes on comedy corners, Xiao Yan who is steadily hitting with a platform background, and Wang Churan who has a high-quality production company, also represent some other upward paths.

In the past, idol transformation actors were sporadic cases. (At that time, it was also called “Sing and You Play”). But after the post-95s and post-00s generation, the film and television industry began to accept re-employed members of the men’s and women’s groups.

Yang Chaoyue graduated from Rocket Girl. From now on, Fan Putian celebrates his sister and can stop singing and filming with peace of mind. Yu Shuxin of THE9 was originally an artist from the film and television company Huace, and has appeared in the hot drama “The Next Stop Is Happiness”. There are also returning home idols Cheng Xiao, Zhou Jieqiong, former JYP trainee Song Yanfei and so on.

Considering from the perspective of the platform and the film crew, idol actors have a group of well-trained fans, which is conducive to selling and publicizing the drama. But just as Mr. Li Chengru said in an interview recently, idols flowed into the film and television industry in batches, grabbing the resources of academic actors, and disrupting the order of the industry.

On the receiving end, the audience is also very puzzled by the idols going to the film and television to brush their faces and the actors singing and dancing at the party, and their resistance is growing day by day.

Second, why are the actresses demoted?

Some people often lament that domestic entertainment actresses are downgraded. In the film industry, the 85 flowers have been defeated repeatedly, and the mismatch between the flow and the strength is already a big ridicule. I did not expect the 95 flowers to be even weaker.

The reason is that, on the one hand, IP adaptation has become the mainstream of film and television, but network novels and comics are highly typified content, and most of their adaptations of film and television also continue this characteristic. The story is simple and straightforward, the character is bright and rough, and the functionality is much higher than the artistry. Acting as a “tool man” in a homogenous story for a long time does not help the actor’s ability and aesthetic growth, but consumes his aura in vain.

At the same time, these newcomers entered the life of an artist at a young age, protected by the fame and fortune package and team, and isolated from the real world. It can be said that they may not at all know what ordinary people live and think. This also limits their growth as actors to a certain extent, making them unable to understand and control complex roles.The screen image is thin and easier to be replaced and washed.

The screenshots are from the variety show “Performing Technique School”

In addition, the “weakness” of the 95 flowers is also closely related to changes in the industry and media environment. 2014 is a very critical turning point.

In 2013, Zhao Wei’s “To Youth” and Guo Jingming’s “Little Era” achieved great commercial success, leading to “IP” becoming a hot word in film and television circles since 2014. In April 2014, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television introduced the “One Drama Two Stars” policy, and the “4+X” broadcast model became a thing of the past. Also in 2014, first-line video websites such as iQiyi, Tencent Video, and Sohu Video tested the waters of self-made long dramas, showing greater content ambitions.

Since then, the Internet and Taiwan have begun to play games, and wealthy video sites have gradually become the main position for Chinese people to pursue dramas and the main source of procurement for top dramas. TV drama investment has begun to cater more to online platforms and young audiences. Idol dramas adapted from Internet IP have changed the world of dramas, family ethics dramas, and middle-aged capable actors.

This is why, in everyone’s impression, 85 flowers are the leading protagonist after many years of conscientious performance in supporting roles, but today’s newcomers can step up to the sky and play the leading role or even the heroine.

However, is it really a step up to the sky? In fact, the drawbacks of this mechanism are gradually being revealed. Television is mass communication. Hot dramas before one drama and two stars can be broadcast by multiple TV stations in the same time slot. The remote control is always the same face, and the nationality accumulated by the actors is real.

The Internet is focused on mass communication, and website push will not achieve the broadcasting effect of TV. Often Internet popularity is one thing, and public awareness is another. Newcomers have popular web dramas, but they can’t afford to watch them as soon as they are on a star.

In short, web dramas make stars fasterIt’s almost done, and the moisture is also high. Many people became popular after they became popular, and only a few were able to stay or come back with their works.

Especially with the large-scale implementation of advanced on-demand broadcasting this year, the play cycle of episodes has been shredded and compressed, and the process of artists from becoming popular and fermenting to dissipating heat is once again greatly accelerated. The “top stream” that dominates the whole year is less and less visible to the naked eye, and there are fewer “top stream” newcomers and actresses.

Let’s talk about the Zhao Lusi mentioned at the beginning. In the first half of the year, there was “The Rumored Chen Qianqian”, the summer “I Like You”, and the official announcement of “Long Song Xing” in the middle, the trend is really good. Perhaps because of this, he failed to resist the temptation and tried to stabilize his position and climb upward by hype.

3. How does the newcomer last?

There are rumors that Zhang Yimou once persuaded the “Mou Girls” not to take TV series. However, in recent years, the cold winter has swept, the market has shrunk, and the most important thing is not to play the table. Many celebrities are breaking the gap between film and television dramas and trying to maintain their exposure. At the same time, national dramas are becoming more and more refined, and online platforms are heavily invested in short dramas with film quality, attracting many filmmakers to join.

However, when mature film actors join the TV series, on the one hand, the performance styles and working conditions of both parties are not easily compatible. On the other hand, because the initial attention is high, once the effect is not satisfactory, it is more likely to be ridiculed by the crowd.

In the post-95 generation, many newcomers to film companies have been in contact with movies and dramas since their debut. Ru Zhou also took over the filming of Tencent Pictures’s drama series “Our Southwest Associated University” and the ancient puppet “The End of the World” after the movie “You Are”. The light image of Zhang Ruonan is sweet. A sweet pet drama.

Variety shows, if appropriate, can also help artists. For example, Li Randi stepped on the stage of the satellite TV variety show “I Am an Actor” after accumulating on the network platform with “Hello Old Time”, which further improved his awareness. The new season’s “Actors please take their place” also appeared in the light Xiaohua Ren Min and Sun Qian. There is also Yu Shuxin, who acts first and then drafts. The reality show amplifies her own generous and sand-sculpted qualities, which does not conflict with her long-time sweet pet drama.

In fact, for newcomers, face brushing is important, but the more important thing is to keep a long-term vision and match them reasonably. Maybe the heroines of the three online dramas are not as good as the opportunity to participate in a formal crew and be around a big coffee.

For example, Ren Min’s first drama series after “Sorrowful Goes Against the River” is “Qing Ping Le” at Noon Sun. There are not many scenes and it is not a heroine, and even the play itself is not popular. However, the role is very important. The magical change from book to drama has made many netizens dissatisfied. On the contrary, Hui Rou, played by Ren Min, received more pity and recognition.

Similarly, there is also Li Gengxi, a post-00 rookie under Xu Jinglei’s, who has acted as the heroine in the web drama produced by Xu Jinglei when he debuted. However, there is no splash in the series, and the role of Tao Hong’s daughter in the family drama “Little Happy” in the group portrait mode really opened up the situation for it. In contrast, the continuous homogenization and fast-food online drama heroines are not a good resource.

In short, the hot dramas and top-rated celebrities are iterating faster and faster. As an actor, the best way to deal with changes is to rely on the works to speak. No matter how many meaningless hot searches, the updated hot spots can be quickly covered. No matter how small a unique character is, the audience can remember it for a long time.

This article is from WeChat official account: Entertainment candy (ID: yuleyingtang) , author: Gu Han