There is a man named Huang San. It is said that when he was a child, he saw a ghost.

One summer night, the moon was stark, Huang San was eating with his family, and suddenly he saw his grandpa sitting beside his grandma who had died for many years, and his grandma was holding it Mo, eating the dishes from Grandpa’s bowl. Because he was young, he didn’t know how to be afraid. He thought it was his grandma who had come back alive, so he called grandma to his grandfather’s side, but after yelling a few times, his grandma only ate the dishes in his bowl and ignored him.

Grandpa saw him calling grandma into the air around him, and thought he missed grandma, so he comforted him and said: “Little San, don’t call your grandma anymore, your grandma is dead It’s been several years, if you call her again, she won’t be able to hear it anymore.”

He shook his head at his grandpa and said, “Grandpa, grandma is not dead, now she is eating your bowl by your side. What’s the food here.”

Grandpa thought he was lying, and didn’t care too much. In the middle of the night, the family was sleeping soundly. Suddenly he heard the voice of his grandpa calling him from his grandpa’s room, and woke him up from his dream: “Little San, grandpa is leaving with your grandma. Grandpa looks at you again, Xiaosan…”

His parents were also awakened by his grandpa’s voice, so they hurried to his grandpa’s house and found that his grandpa was dead calmly. .

Ever since grandma took grandpa away, he often went to his grave. Once, he went to his grandfather’s grave. Just when he came to his grandfather’s grave, he saw his grandfather sitting on the grave and beckoning him. He smiled and said to him, “Little San, grandpa misses you, go with grandpa.” Let’s talk in the room.” He was so scared that his face was blue and white, and he was confused and said, “Isn’t Grandpa dead? Why would you sit on the grave and beckon me?”, while thinking, he stared at Grandpa in surprise. , Walked towards him, as if the body had not listened to his own commands. At this time, a door was opened in the tomb. Grandpa returned to the tomb and waved to him and said, “Come on! Xiaosan, grandparents miss you, come and talk to grandpa and grandma, Xiaosan…”
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As he walked toward the grave with a dull look in his eyes, he suddenly saw a big black dog running over and barking at the grandpa in the grave. The strange thing is that when grandpa saw the big black dog, his face suddenly turned pale, his eyes showed great fear, and he said: “Heizi, I am looking for my grandson, and there is nothing in your way. You don’t care. Nosy, get out of here soon” I didn’t expect that big black dog could even speak: “This kid is your grandson, you can’t harm him. If you don’t go back, I will eat your ghost and let you last forever. Can’t be born again.” As he said, the big black dog was about to pounce on his grandfather with a blemished tooth. Grandpa was very afraid of the big black dog, and when he saw that the big black dog was about to eat his soul, he couldn’t help sighing, and reluctantly closed the grave door, and no shadow was seen. When he looked at the big black dog again, a gloomy wind blew and the big black dog disappeared. He was frightenedSeeing everything that happened before me, I felt a headache and fainted beside my grandfather’s grave.

After dark, his parents saw that he had not yet returned home, so his father went to look for him. When his father came to his grandfather’s grave, he found him lying there pale, motionless and unable to wake up. His father felt something was wrong, he knew what was attached to him, and he was so scared that he hugged him and ran home. After arriving at home, his mother invited the village witch Granny Liu to drive him away.

After Grandma Liu arrived, she saw his weird situation and knew that he was possessed by a ghost, so she went to the yard and broke a peach branch, while muttering a word. While holding the peach sticks and whipping on him, for a while, he woke up and told his parents and Grandma Liu how he saw Grandpa Ghost. After hearing his narration, Grandma Liu said: “Lonely ghosts are most afraid of dogs, especially dog ​​ghosts, so your ghost grandfather will be afraid of that dog ghost, if it hadn’t appeared in time to scare your ghost grandfather away. , Saved your life, or you will really be recruited by your grandfather into the grave, so no one can save you.”

It’s strange to say that Grandpa Ghost has been a black dog ever since Scared into the grave, she never came to him again.