Problem description: The day after the Tibetan hairy sinus surgery, I just finished the anti-inflammatory injection today and I went home. Would you like to use Zong Rebao or hot compress? Or take that anti-inflammatory drug?
Question date:2020-09-19
Patient information:Age: 25 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: Hello, Tibetan hair sinusitis is a subcutaneous infection that occurs frequently in the sacrococcygeal gluteal sulcus. The main manifestation is repeated infection and rupture of sinus tracts and internal hair. It is still two days after the operation and it is recommended not to apply heat.
Guide suggestion: Now there are wounds, it is recommended to disinfect the wound with complex iodine every day, keep the wound clean and hygienic, eat a light diet, avoid eating spicy food that stimulates fried food, which will help the wound recovery.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination