This article is from WeChat official account:Epoch Story House (ID: epochstory2017), author: Zara, editor: mochi, design: ribs, title figure from: vision China

Only one day after Double Eleven, “refunds” have reached the top of the hot search list.

On all major platforms, double eleven’s turnover is counted in hundreds of billions, and the desire to consume is transpiring and volatile.

Although buying a refund is a routine operation, it shows from the side how impulsive and crazy people can be in front of consumption.

Many people are defeated before such desires.

The Douban Debt Persons Alliance group has gathered 19,433 self-drowning people. They are aged 40 and below, the youngest is 17 years old, and debt ranges from 3800 yuan to 2.68 million yuan. They are here to talk about the pain of debt, the fear of being forced to collect, and the despair on the road to repayment.

It’s surprising that the group did not have the warmth of “the same online loan debtor”. Below the post where the debtor cried out about the hard way to repay the debt, more responses were: “You are still playing games. “, “What qualifications do you have to order takeaway”, “I have a meal for 4 yuan”, “You can’t finish it in a lifetime like this.”

This is not oneIn a place where you can keep warm, if you talk about making money in the group, it will make people feel strongly suspicious, suspecting that you are fishing stickers and engaging in MLM to develop offline.

The best posts in the group repeatedly remind everyone: “Be wary of the “good-hearted people” in the group” and “talking out and spitting out are the easiest to be targeted.”

The purpose of the team leader “European King” is very clear. Those who want to join the team will leave the team as soon as possible and pay off their debts.


The Debt Alliance Group is strictly disciplined, it is strictly forbidden to borrow money, recruit part-time jobs, find people to start a business, and it is strictly forbidden to run online loan advertisements and sell financial management courses. Once discovered, it is forbidden to leave the group.

For newcomers, if they want to move in and out freely, they first need to master an introductory dictionary.

“Going ashore” means paying off debts, “shoal” means seeing the hope of paying off debts, and “credit investigation spent” refers to bad credit investigation records, or personal credit investigations have been inquired too many times. “Forced landing” means all overdue and no longer use loans to support loans. “Explosive address book” is a threatening term for mandatory collection, which means that relatives and friends will receive collection calls from the platform, causing the debtor to socially die.

In addition, “credit reporting” is deceptive and you can report it; “Finance and Business Section” is also a deception; as for “debt restructuring”, “helping with negotiation” and “helping with collection calls”, if you believe it , You just mix in the group for nothing.

Xiao Que Xing is the administrator of the League of Indebted People. She is straight-tempered, speaks without mercy, and has a very low tolerance for complaints from group members:

“Don’t repeat posting!”

“The original intention of this group was to go ashore, not to collect the wailing concentration camp overdue!”

“What kind of explosive address book, lawyer’s letter, etc., do you think you are in a special situation?”

“If you encounter a problem, first search in the group! Or go to the essence area! This group has already had a lot of similar posts!”

However, only a small part of the people who join the group are to talk, find the same kind, or find a way to go ashore as soon as possible, and more people are because of fear.

After all, the road to debt is full of the first time.

The first time the credit was overdue, the first time the loan could not be paid, the first time was frozenLetter, the first time I received a collection call, the first time the address book was exploded, the first time I was threatened to come home, find my parents, find the community, and find the leader of the unit, the first time I received a court summons, the first time I was ordered “5pm” 100,000 must be paid back before ordering”——

No one can still do it. They have no money, only fear.

Fear of being discovered by family members, fear of being dismissed from work, fear of being alienated by friends, fear of spending credit, not being able to be a civil servant, not being able to work in a large company, fear not being able to borrow money to buy a house, and not being able to enter marriage smoothly.

Because of fear, they are very nervous every day. They dare not answer the phone during the day. When the phone rang, their bodies were as soft as a shot. The fear was overwhelming.

Suicide is an idea that comes up from time to time.

A 27-year-old young man who owed 150,000 yuan posted a question: “If I hang up, will my credit card online loan continue to be repaid by my parents?”

Without comfort, everyone said “I owe 400,000” and “I still have 300,000 to pay.” A elder brother who owed 2 million told him, “If I owe 150,000, I will laugh out of my dreams.” , Some people say, “You have work, deliver food after get off work, drive Didi”, “150,000 is a car, can’t you still buy a car in your life?”

However, all the answers are no match for this: “It will definitely let your parents pay back.”

“Well, I still think of a way.” The young man is not dead.


In the eyes of the administrator, the most undesirable thing for debtors is to fantasize—fancy that after debts, they can still lead a normal life, maintain a good personal image, and maintain a good credit record. , No delay in getting married and having children.

She has seen many debtors. In order to maintain her illusion, she did not hesitate to borrow money to make the snowball bigger and bigger.

In order to break the fantasies of the team members, Xiaozheng fortunately opened several posts, and the post started directly with the topic:

“Debt is not terrible. The terrible thing is that I can’t pay it back, and I am afraid of overdue. I use a loan to raise the loan. I dare not tell my family. In the end, it becomes a big pit.

For these young debtors, the ranking of the fear list looks like this:

Frankly confession to parents> On-site collection> The credit investigation was spent> Using a loan to support the loan

So this group of young people would rather lose face and throw it outside than let their parents know that they are in debt.

In the early days of debt, they tend to fall into a self-confident madness, thinking that they can do it.

Basically, they all joined the group with a learning mentality of “how to get it done”. As soon as they came in without waiting for a question, they saw a popular post in the group hanging: “Don’t use a loan!”

Every veteran team member knows that refunding a loan is a way of no return. The snowball of debt will only get bigger and bigger. Since the credit report will rot sooner or later, should it rot if it owes 50,000; or should it rot if it owes 50,000 yuan?

Taking a loan to support a loan is like taking drugs. The credit report is broken and it is to help you compulsorily stop taking drugs.

Gradually, young debtors realized that the three things of repaying money, keeping credit, and hiding from their parents are simply not compatible.

They poked their heads out of the sand like ostriches, no longer trying to maintain the illusion that nothing happened.

In the League of Indebted People,as long as you return to your senses, you will still be saved.


In the League of Indebted People, because of the abundant samples and the huge amount of accumulated posts, new members who join the group can always find their own way to land.

Someone teaches “Money-saving Dafa”. It is not enough to save from action. The important thing is to change the mentality, “Saving is not suffering, it is a good habit.”

Someone shared their experience of seeking a doctor——

Because she could not control the desire to spend ahead, a team member underwent a number of psychological examinations and tests. The doctor’s diagnosis was that she not only had moderate anxiety and mild depression, but also adult attention deficit disorder. That is, adult ADHD.

The manifestations of adult ADHD include impulsive consumption in addition to flash marriages, frequent job-hopping, and speeding.

The team member reminded everyone that if someone is in a more serious condition than her, and they still cannot control themselves when they cross the shore, they need to seek medical treatment in time.

Someone publishes an encyclopedic post like “Collection Routines and Answers”, encouraging debtors to harden their waists: Don’t be insulted by the collector and then give up on yourself, others can treat you as old Lai, but you can’t treat yourself as an old man. If you don’t have the money right now, it doesn’t mean you will never pay. You should bear the responsibility for breach of contract and legal liability during the payment process.

In the Debt Alliance, a post that newcomers must read after joining the group is: “Look at the consequences of overdue, are you afraid of overdue?”

To sum up, the debtors must not be afraid of eight: not afraid to come to the house, not afraid to go to court, not afraid to explode the address book, not afraid of losing their job, not afraid of social death, not afraid of bad credit, not afraid of not being able to borrow money to buy a house, not afraid of taking high-speed train Not afraid.

At first glance, such a post seems to teach people who owe debts to be uncles, reversing the status of host and guest of Huang Shiren and Yang Bailao. But in fact, there is a simple truth in it: You are not afraid, you can face reality and accept it.

Maybe people have ignored it, and debtors also need a good attitude.

In the League of Indebted People, although they are not affectionate and don’t fight their blood, the team members are not allowed to accuse each other, because “It is not your money that you owe, what right do you have to blame?”

Everyone who has been in debt knows that only by living well can you make money and pay off your debts. After all, “As long as you live, you will get ashore.”


In addition to these consensuses that can be reached soon after joining the group, there are always some differences among the group members. The most personal discussion is: Can you fall in love and get married after debt?

Some people find it inexplicable: People with serious illnesses and elderly people can find their partners, why can’t they be in debt?

Some people think that two settlements are better: you and your partner should be separated financially, and the debts should be paid by yourself.

Someone is extremely idealistic: Since the parents are unreliable, let’s talk about a relationship that cannot be broken up.

Someone showed up and said: Debt girls have no time to fall in love.

The personal situation of debtors is complicated. Some people lose their marriage and children because of debts, some are in debt because of dating, some are dragged down by their parents, some become poor due to illness, someIndulging in gambling, some being deceived by friends, and some being killed by strangers, it is these unfortunate but ups and downs of life stories that have attracted the attention of Weibo big V, making the group appear on Weibo hot search and officially out of the circle.

Since November 10, after the League of Indebtedness ran a hot search on Weibo, the number of people applying to join the group every day has surged to more than 3,000. The tree attracts the wind, and ill-intentioned collectors, fraudsters, and small loans are here. Now, the team has slowed down the review speed, and even intends to temporarily close the channel for applying for entry.

The administrator said: You can go sightseeing, but don’t hurt people by fishing.

People who have not owed debts can hardly empathize with these debtors. Some of the onlookers get the story, some get alert, and more people pat their chests with emotion. Fortunately, it is not me.

Only those who are still struggling to get ashore know the fear of drowning and the desire to survive.

This article is from WeChat official account:Epoch Story House (ID: epochstory2017) author: Zara, editor: mochi, design: ribs