At the recent quarterly business development planning meeting of the ByteDance commercialization department, e-commerce diversion and Luban e-commerce have coordinated plans with live e-commerce.

Transmitting ByteDance will list e-commerce as the number one item

According to “Late” report, ByteDance is considering new adjustments to e-commerce business, the commercialization department’s “e-commerce diversion” business and the e-commerce advertising business “Luban e-commerce” plan and the first-level e-commerce department Further integration. At the recent quarterly business development planning meeting of the ByteDance commercialization department, e-commerce diversion and Luban e-commerce have coordinated plans with live e-commerce.

At the same time, ByteDance puts the e-commerce business at the first priority (S-level) alongside the search business and medium and long video. Next, Bytedance will also add first-level e-commerce portals to byte products such as Douyin.

As for business adjustments, ByteDance said that e-commerce drainage and Luban e-commerce have always belonged to the commercialization department and work closely with the e-commerce department.

Bytedance’s e-commerce diversion business refers to the diversion of product advertisements placed by brands on the Douyin platform to third-party e-commerce platforms such as Taobao and Tmall. Luban e-commerce is a traffic and marketing tool for merchants and brands on the byte platform, which can trigger consumers to place orders through targeted advertising.

It is understood that in addition to the above-mentioned business integration plan, Luban e-commerce is also reducing the proportion of second-class e-commerce by raising the threshold for merchants to enter. According to the latest policy in early November, 90% of small and medium-sized business advertisers will be excluded, leaving mostly big brand customers.

In June of this year, Bytedance established the first-level e-commerce business unit, which was headed by Kang Zeyu, the former head of international products, with the purpose of integrating the dispersed e-commerce business of Bytedance.

Judging from the current situation, the integration is still in progress, and the internal organization of Bytedance is still unclear. The biggest business of live e-commerce is still being jointly promoted by the e-commerce business team and the live broadcast business team. The person in charge of the live broadcast business is still deeply involved, and the person in charge was also one of the candidates for the head of the e-commerce business.

It is reported that Kang Zeyu, the person in charge of e-commerce business, in addition to advocating all e-commerce-related businesses of Unibyte, also hopes to build an independent e-commerce platform similar to Tmall with the “Byte Beat” brand as the core, and firmly control Brand side. However, ByteDance denied this.

Editor-in-chief’s comment: Integration of e-commerce related businesses,The first priority, the addition of the first-level e-commerce portal, and the reduction of the second-level e-commerce, these series of plans or actions all point to the same focus: Bytedance’s determination to build a closed loop of e-commerce. E-commerce has increasingly become an indispensable infrastructure for Internet giants and a fortress that ByteDance must conquer.

However, for bytebeats, which are known for their algorithms and content distribution, the e-commerce model is much heavier, requiring the entire process of supply chain, transaction, product management, logistics, and after-sales to be opened up…< /strong>

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