Problem description: The amount of menstrual blood is low. It only penetrates a little on the aunt’s towel for almost three or four hours. It does not come out after sitting and lying down. Sometimes it comes out with force. After drinking Motherwort, menstrual blood The color became bright red, there was no blood clot, and the amount did not increase.
Question date: 2020-09-20
Patient information: Age: 25 years old Gender: Female
Problem analysis: It may be that oral motherwort does not improve much. It is recommended that patients first pay attention to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Gynecology.
Guide suggestion: Oral Chinese medicine should be used to regulate the patient’s physique. At the same time, the mood must be happy. The above symptoms will also occur when the pressure is too high.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection