Problem description: Recently, my stomach hurts, urinating split ends, and it is difficult to ejaculate, especially when I eat at night and get up at night and the next day will be more painful. Sometimes diarrhea. Two months ago, the body showed slight inflammation of the prostate, and the doctor said that he did not need to look at it. By exercising and reducing meals at night, it’s good. (Male, 37 years old
Question date:2020-09-20
Patient information:Age: 94 years old Gender: Male
< b>Problem analysis:Hello, according to the situation you described, the main consideration is caused by prostatitis.
Guidelines:Drink more water and urinate more often. , Don’t eat spicy and irritating food. If you feel uncomfortable all the time, it is recommended to take Qianliekang for treatment, usually be careful not to sit for a long time, holding back your urine will easily lead to aggravation of symptoms.
Suggestions are for reference only, problems In serious cases, please go to the hospital for detailed examination