Problem description: My hair fell very badly in the past month or so. I felt itchy scalp before touching it, but it didn’t fall off. Now it’s gone
Date of problem: 2020 -09-21
Patient information:Age: 20 years old Gender: Female
Problem analysis:Hello, now autumn is the season of hair loss easily , Generally, it is normal to lose about 50 hairs every day. Are your hair oily now? If the hair is oily and the scalp is itchy, consider seborrheic dermatitis to cause hair loss.
Guide suggestion: It is recommended that you can wash your hair with ketoconazole shampoo to relieve itching, and go to the hospital to check the trace elements to see if there is any lack of trace elements. You should pay attention to nutrition and live a regular life. And diet, a light diet, avoid spicy food that stimulates frying, and eat more fruits and vegetables.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection