Problem description: On the 20th, I had sex. I woke up in the morning on the 22nd. There were yellow vaginal discharges in my underwear, which felt like cheese slices. itch. I get up on the 23rd, but it’s less than the 22nd. What caused it? How should it be treated? Thank you
Question date:2020-09-23
Patient information:Age: 21 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis : Considering the situation, it is more likely that the patient has vaginitis, but for the specific type of vaginal inflammation, you need to do the routine of leucorrhea.
Guide and suggestion: Routine examination to determine whether the patient is a fungal vaginal inflammation or a bacterial vaginal inflammation in symptomatic treatment.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection