Problem description: Hello, I have been taking these three medicines for five days, and my dizziness is particularly dizzy. I feel more dizzy every day. Is my dizziness related to the medicine? Xinshu Oral Liquid and Shengmai Drink
Question date:2020-09-23
Patient information:Age: 30 years old Gender: Female
Problem analysis:Hello, Yangxinshu Oral Liquid is used to relieve anxiety and lack of Qi and blood. Shengmaiyin is a health-care drug drink that has the functions of replenishing qi, nourishing yin and promoting fluid. Shugan Jieyu Capsule has the effect of invigorating the spleen and calming the nerves. Flupentixol and Meritroxine tablets are used to treat mildly intoxicated depression and anxiety.
Guide and suggestion: The first few drugs generally do not cause dizziness, while flupentixol and melitrazin tablets may cause dizziness.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection