Problem description: The doctor said that I have hyperthyroidism. What does hyperthyroidism mean? I don’t know much.
Question date:2020-09-22
Patient information:Age: 24 Sex: Male
Hyperthyroidism is caused by the thyroid Too much synthesis and release of too much thyroid hormone.
The thyroid synthesizes and releases excessive thyroid hormones, which leads to increased excitability of the nervous, circulatory, and digestive systems, and hypermetabolism, and causes palpitations, sweating, increased frequency of eating, defecation, and weight loss. Syndrome. Clinically, more than 80% of hyperthyroidism is caused by Graves disease. Patients often have exophthalmos, eyelid edema, vision loss, and rare pretibial mucin edema. In severe cases, hyperthyroidism, coma, and even life-threatening may occur.
Avoid iodine diet, avoid strenuous exercise and overeating, and exercise moderately in a planned way. People with mild illness can get out of bed and do not feel tired. Pay more attention to rest. In addition, patients should actively cooperate with doctors and insist on taking medication on time.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination