Problem description: I caught a cold during the recent period and went to the hospital for an examination and found that the percentage of lymphocytes was low. What is the reason for the low percentage of lymphocytes in the cold?
Question date:2020-09-22
Patient information:Age: 45 Sex: Male
The percentage of cold lymphocytes may be low It is caused by a viral infection.
Low lymphocytes, consider viral infection. Colds are usually caused by bacterial or viral infections, and viral infections can cause low lymphocytes. This is most of the cases. Of course, if there are a few cases, it depends on personal physical fitness, some weak The population may also have this low value.
It is recommended to keep exercising to enhance your own resistance, maintain a good attitude, wash your hands diligently, and eat more high-protein foods.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination