Problem description: My teeth have not been very good-looking, and I want to do orthodontics. My friend said that wisdom teeth must be extracted for orthodontics. Do I have to extract wisdom teeth for orthodontics?
Question date:2020-09-23
Patient information:Age: 33 Gender: Female
To straighten teeth, it is not necessary to remove wisdom teeth .
If the treatment plan includes pushing the second molar distally to provide a certain gap between the front teeth, then wisdom teeth need to be extracted. Only the extracted wisdom teeth can achieve the purpose of pushing the final molars to the center. If you choose to extract the first premolars and second premolars with relatively small anterior functions, leaving a gap to make the teeth line up neatly, it may not be necessary to extract the wisdom teeth.
If you want to extract your wisdom teeth, during this period, you should eat more liquid or semi-liquid food, and less spicy, fried and other irritating foods.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination