Problem description: My subject wants to do dental correction. Some friends say that the current correction is not good for the teeth. May I ask the 30 advantages and disadvantages of the dental correction?
Question date: 2020-09-23
Patient information: Age: 30 Gender: Female
30 The main benefits of orthodontics Make your appearance more beautiful, the main disadvantage is that the correction time is longer. 30 Benefits of correcting teeth: The main thing is that it can improve the occlusal function, help the maintenance of oral hygiene in the later stage, restore the appearance, and help socialize, and it is also helpful for the long-term maintenance of the temporomandibular joint. Disadvantages: mainly due to older age, the correction process will be prolonged, generally more than 2 years; in addition, oral hygiene during correction is not conducive to maintenance, tooth decay or gingivitis may occur.
It should be noted that after wearing the braces, food retention will result. Good oral hygiene habits must be developed, and teeth must be brushed after eating.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination